Expert Consultation on Community-based Veterinary Public Health Systems

Expert Consultation on
Community-based Veterinary
Public Health Systems

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2004


The Expert Consultation on Community-based Veterinary Public Health (VPH) Systems was held in Rome on 27-28 October 2003. The objectives of the consultation were to consider and make specific recommendations regarding the delivery of community-based VPH systems, with special emphasis on developing countries in the following major areas:
- surveillance methodologies for zoonotic diseases;
- significance of participatory epidemiology and rapid appraisal techniques;
- public and private VPH community delivery systems;
- monitoring and evaluation of VPH systems;
- current community-based VPH systems in sub-Saharan Africa, including examples from South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania;
- training and public education in VPH at community levels;
- multidisciplinary approaches to VPH delivery systems at community levels. This publication contains the contributions of the experts and other participants of the consultation, and is intended to assist veterinary public health services in developing regions in the implementation of community-based systems.

Table of Contents

Opening address


Summary report


Objectives and procedures

Summaries of presentations and discussions






List of participants



Significance of participatory epidemiology in veterinary public health community-based systems

Surveillance methodologies for zoonotic disease at community levels

Public and private aspects of veterinary public health delivery systems at community level and monitoring and evaluation of VPH systems

Community public health education in Tanzania: challenges, opportunities and the way forward

Community-based veterinary public health systems in South Africa: current situation, future trends and recommendations

Multidisciplinary approach to veterinary public health delivery system at community level: the past, the present and the future of multidisciplinary collaboration in veterinary public health and expected perspectives

Training on VPH issues at community level and public education

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ISBN 92-5-105131-3

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