FAO Statistical Yearbook 2012 Africa


FAO Statistical Yearbook 2012

AFRICA Food and agriculture


Accra, Ghana 2013

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Table of contents



PART 1 – The setting

    People and demography
    Women in agriculture
    Land and water resources
    Capital and investment


PART 2 – Hunger dimensions

    Inadequate access to food
    Risks, hazards and shocks
    Poverty and inequality
    Food aid

PART 3 – Feeding the world

    Aggregate agriculture
    Sources of growth in crop production
    Trends in the crop sector
    Trends in the livestock sector
    Trends in the fisheries sector
    Trends in agricultural trade
    Urban and peri-urban agriculture
    Food losses
  pdf [7.7Mb]

PART 4 – Sustainability dimensions:

    Pollution from agriculture
    Climate change
    Biodiversity and conservation
    Organic farming
    Genetically modified crops
    Agriculture and the bio-based economy

PART 5 – Metadata

    Indicators list
    World Wide Web sites visited


The FAO Statistical Yearbook 2012: Africa Food and Agriculture, disseminates statistical information that will help all stakeholders to access, easily and quickly, a set of statistics on food and agriculture related to the current themes and domains of interest in the region. The document provides users in Africa and abroad with statistics and reliable indicators on food and agriculture that can be used for policy formulation, monitoring and evaluation.

These statistics and indicators cover a wide range of themes: agricultural production, productivity and growth, investment, rural population and well-being, poverty, rural employment, gender, food security, food safety and nutrition, natural resource use in agricultural activities (e.g. land, water and forest), climate change, environmental pollution and biodiversity.

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ISBN 978-92-5-107426-8

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