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Areas to be strengthened

Areas to be strengthened

Policy Planning and Research.

· The establishment of a strong WID Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture, capable of carrying out substantive analysis and action on gender issues in agriculture.

· Clear policies and strategies on the promotion of women's advancement in agriculture.

· Gender-disaggregated data and base-line information on women's contribution to agriculture.

· Increased research on gender issues in agriculture.

· Increased gender-sensitization programmes for policy-makers.

· Reorientation of agricultural extension policies towards greater gender sensitivity and the constraints of small farmers.

Legal and Policy Reform.

· Redress inequality in land rights.

Access to Agricultural Resources and Services.

· Efforts should be made to increase women's access to: appropriate technology to reduce workload, extension and training, improved water supply, alternative energy sources, irrigation, credit, agricultural inputs, and cooperatives and rural associations.

Source: National Sectoral Report on Women, Agriculture and Rural Development, 1994.

Prepared by:

Integration of Women in Development


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Tel:+(39)6 52251

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