NeOn Integrated Project EU-IST-027595

D7.5.1 Software architecture for the ontology-based Fisheries Stock Depletion Assessment System (FSDAS)


Claudio Baldassarre, Yves Jaques, Alejandro Lopez Perez

© FAO 2007

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This document describes the architecture for the ontology-driven Fisheries Stock Depletion Assessment System (FSDAS) knowledge base. It will be a stand-alone Java Web Start (JWS) application that communicates via web services with a separate server instance of the NeOn coretoolkit and an RDF triple store for unstructured data sources.

Part I

NeOn Consortium
Work package participants
Change Log
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of figures

1. Introduction

2. Architectural Representation

3. Architectural Goals and Constraints

4. Use-Case View.

5. Logical View

Part II

6. Process View

7. Deployment View

8. Implementation View

9. Data View

10. Size and Performance

Annex A – Updated use cases from Requirements D7.1.1

Annex B - List of Acronyms used in this deliverable
