July 2001


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Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Italy, 10 - 13 September 2001




1. The programme of work proposed in this paper emanates from the Fourth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Second Session of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ).

2. The activities proposed reflect the needs and priorities identified by the Working Groups, Sub-Committees, Networks and cooperating regional organizations. It is understood that the funding of these activities will have to be identified by the Commission.


3. SAC endorsed the following activities proposed by its relevant Sub-Committees:

A. Economic and Social Sciences
  1. Holding of a workshop for the finalization of the Glossary and the translation of the Glossary when finalized into the GFCM official languages;
  2. Conducting further analysis of the parameters required for definition of Operational Units;
  3. Expanding bio-economical analytical work including more widespread application of bio-economic models that are suitable for the analysis of the Mediterranean fisheries;
  4. Publication of the pilot study on socio-economic indicators in the Alboran Sea in the GFCM "Studies and Reviews" series;
  5. organizing a second meeting of the Working Group on socio-indicators.

B. Stock Assessment

Large Pelagic Stocks

  1. Collection by countries of data on best estimates of catches, CPUE and size composition of tuna-like stocks and transmission of these data to ICCAT on a timely basis;
  2. Continuation of studies on the migratory behaviour of bluefin tuna by tagging method;
  3. holding a meeting of the GFCM/ICCAT Working Group, tentatively in 2002 providing that new data is made available by the countries.

Small Pelagic and Demersal Stocks

  1. More thorough studies on the length at first maturity of anchovy;
  2. Giving priority at the Working Group level to the assessment of shared stocks, both small pelagic and demersal;
  3. Update of the assessments on a yearly basis.
C. Marine Environment and Ecosystems
  1. Further investigations on the effect of fishing gear and collection of more information on non target species, biological communities and other environmental parameters;
  2. Preparation of a field guide for the identification of cartilaginous species;
  3. Focus on the study and analysis of the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and ecosystems and on the influence of environmental factors on fisheries;
  4. organizing a meeting of an ad hoc Working Group to analyse the feasibility of the ecosystem-based management approach to fisheries in Mediterranean waters (tentatively in 2002 prior to the next SAC session).
D. Fishery Statistics and Information
    1. Finalization of a regional project proposal on statistics (MEDIFSIS) after consultation with potential Member countries. The setting up of a task force to "decide on the methodology to be used during the course of the execution of the project" was suggested. The final version of the proposal should be submitted to the present Session of the Commission by the Coordinator of the Sub-Committee on Fishery Statistics and Information for consideration;
    2. For management purposes, collect data with reference to a statistical geographical pattern using 30'x30' units or multiples of those units, the largest of which would be the management unit itself;
    3. Continue the work on the development of the virtual library of scientific literature with the support of COPEMED project.

Meetings proposed for the Next Intersessional Period

4. The following meetings were proposed:




Fifth Session of SAC

Libya, June 2002

Trust Fund

Meetings of SAC Sub-Committees

Barcelona, Spain, May 2002

Not available

Workshop to finalize the Glossary

Barcelona, Spain, May 2002

Not available

Working Group on Socio-Economic Indicators

Salerno, Italy, February 2002

Not available

Working Group on Demersal Species

Sète, France,
March 2002

Not available

Working Group on Small Pelagic Species

Ancona, Italy,
March 2002

Not available

Joint GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Large Pelagic Fishes

TBD, first semester 2002

To be determined

Working Group on Marine Environment

February 2002

Not available

Workshop on Ecosystem-based Management Approach

February 2002

Not available


5. In addition to this list, the holding of the Twenty-seventh Session of GFCM should be considered.


6. The Third Session of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) is envisaged for mid 2002, subject to the availability of funding. Prior to the third meeting of the CAQ, a session of the TECAM and SELAM Coordination Committee, usually organized by CIHEAM at their institute in Zaragoza, Spain, will be held to produce a tentative programme to be proposed to the CAQ.

7. For the next intersessional period the activities of the SIPAM network will continue as suggested by the second CAQ meeting. A new meeting of the National Coordinators is envisaged to take place at the end of 2001, and an offer to host the meeting in Casablanca has been made by the Moroccan Government. Financial support to hold the meeting may come from ICRAM, Italy and an agreement is being negotiated. Following the National Coordinators meeting in Morocco, a new meeting of the Steering Committee is envisaged to take place in early 2002, before the Third CAQ meeting. The activities of SIPAM in this intersessional period will also include the liaison with the FAO based FIGIS system which will include the production of output formats and reports to be extracted from the SIPAM databases. This work, which is being started at present will involve also the production of software to ensure the interphase between the two systems. During 2002 efforts will aim at linking Bulgaria, Syria and Israel, the remaining Members of GFCM into the SIPAM network. In addition, work will be undertaken to incentivate the organization of the national networks to assist the national coordinator in each country of the system.

8. Regarding the TECAM and SELAM network coordinated by CIHEAM with the collaboration of the FAO Fisheries Department, in addition to the meeting of the Coordinating Committee already mentioned, and pending the availability of funding, the activities proposed for the next intersessional period would include work on:


9. The Commission is invited to consider the activities and meetings proposed by its Scientific Advisory Committee and Committee on Aquaculture and take relevant decisions on these matters.