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The Second Session of the Codex Committee on Milk and Milk products reached the following conclusions:


- Recommended the adoption at Step 8 of the Draft Revised Standards for Butter, Milkfat Products, Evaporated Milks, Sweetened Condensed Milks, Milk and Cream Powders, Cheese, and Whey Cheese; and the Draft Standard for Cheeses in Brine (para. 72);

- Recommended the adoption at Step 5 of the Proposed Draft Revised Code of Principles Concerning Milk and Milk Products (para. 20);

- Requested approval to initiate the elaboration of a standard for dairy spread and an individual cheese standard for Mozzarella (para. 86); and a model export certificate by the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Certification and Inspection Systems (para. 89); and

- Recommended to withdraw the Individual Cheese Standards for Danablu, Gruyere, Gudbrandsdalsost, Norvegia, and Esrom; to delete Danablu, Adelost and Blue Cheese from the Individual Cheese Standard for Certain Blue Veined Cheeses; and, once the Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese has been completed, to withdraw the Individual Cheese Standard for Cream Cheese, (para. 84).


- Amended the title of the Standard for Unripened Cheese to the Standard for Unripened Cheese Including Fresh Cheese and returned it to Step 6 for redrafting and government comments (paras. 70-72);

- Returned to Step 3 the Proposed Draft Revised Standards for Processed Cheese, Cream, and individual cheeses (except those recommended for withdrawal), and the Proposed Draft Standards for Fermented Milks, Milk Products Obtained from Fermented Milks Heat-Treated after Fermentation, and Dairy Spreads; and requested IDF to review them in the light of the comments submitted to and made at the Session (para. 73);

- Returned to Step 3 Nutritional and Quality Descriptors for Milk Products for government comments (para. 76);

- Agreed to ask IDF to prepare a consolidated document for consideration at the next Session on the Heat Treatment Definitions taking into account the comments submitted to and made at the Session (para. 74);

- Agreed to refer the following Articles of the Proposed Draft Revised Code of Principles Concerning Milk and Milk Products to the relevant Codex Committees:

- Article 4.3 regarding milk products with modified composition to the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (para. 14); and

- Article 8 regarding review to the Codex Committee on General Principles (para. 18);

- Agreed to refer to the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene: the proposal of USA to include a statement on pasturization in the hygiene provision of all milk standards; and the proposal of Uruguay on microbiological criteria for butter (paras. 23 & 27);

- Agreed to refer back to the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene the document considered at the Session on the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Uncured/Unripened Cheese and Ripened Soft Cheese along with the comments submitted to and made at the Session (para. 78);

- Requested the IDF/ISO/AOAC Working Group on Methods of Analysis and Sampling to identify appropriate methods of analysis for whey protein/casein ratio (para. 80);

- Agreed to forward to the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants the documents on food additives and to request it to provide necessary instruction on submission of information on technological justification for the uses of food additives (para. 81);

- Agreed to study matters related to cheese coatings (para. 82);

- Confirmed that the nomenclature of milk protein products be forwarded to the Codex Committee on Food Labelling to be included in the list of names of classes of ingredients in the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (para. 83);

- Requested a document on trade statistics and justification for the elaboration of a standard for "Parmesan" cheese for consideration at the next Session (para. 87); and

- Felt generally that "filled milk" was outside the Terms of Reference of the Committee (para. 88).

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