Prepared by
V.N. Asopa
Indian Institute of Management
G. Beye
Research and Technology Development Service
Research, Extension and Training Division, FAO
Rome, 1997
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ISBN 92-5-104099-0
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© FAO 1997
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Session 1: Scientific and technical information in a developing-country research institute
Session guide: Scientific and technical information in a developing-country research institute
Why produce information?
Expectations from an information system
Functions of an information specialist
Duties of an information specialistReading note: Scientific and technical information in a developing-country research institution
Reporting to the scientific community
Reporting to the institute's sponsors
Reporting for the application of results
Session 2: Information as an input to research
Session guide: Information as an input to research
Library collections and organization
Services for scientists
Sources of materialReading note: Information as an input to research
Library organization
Services for scientific staff
Role of donors
Session 3: Information as an output of research
Session guide: Information as an output of research
Policies and plans
Resources needed for publications
Annual reports
Journal articles
Conference papers
Institution reports
Credits for publications
Extension material
DistributionReading note: Information as an output of research
Policy making and planning
Developing essential resources
Annual reports
Journal articles
Papers for conferences
Scientific and technical reports
Who gets the credit?
Extension material
Extending the reach of publications
Session 4: Cooperation in national programmes
Session guide: Cooperation in national programmes
Core components
Policies and plan
National agricultural library and archives
AGRIS and CARIS national centres
Agricultural journals
Library network
New communication technologiesReading note: Cooperation in national programmes
Policy making and planning
National agricultural library and archives
National AGRIS and CARIS centres
National agricultural science journal
Cooperation among libraries
Extension services
Technology for communication
Session 5: Barriers to the flow of information
Session guide: Barriers to the flow of information
Functions of some information services in minimizing difficulties of information users