A synthesis report of the Near East Region - Women, agriculture and rural development

Table Of Contents

Compiled from the Country Papers prepared for: Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen

Prepared under the auspices of FAO's Programme of Assistance in Support of Rural Women in Preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women, and the Regional Plan of Action for Women in Agriculture in the Near East (RPAWANE 2000)

Women in Development Service
Women and Population Division
Sustainable Development Department

Rome 1995

This report was prepared under the auspices of FAO's Programme of Assistance in Support of Rural Women in Preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women, and the Regional Plan of Action for Women in Agriculture in the Near East (RPAWANE 2000). The report follows the Guidelines prepared by FAO for reporting on the status of women within the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors, to ensure that the situation of rural women is adequately addressed in policy and decision-making debates.

The opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the position of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Executive summary

Abbreviations and acronyms


Overview of the near east region

The status and extent of women's participation in agriculture

The role of women in crop, livestock, fisheries and agroforestry

Inequality in women's access to and participation in economic structures and the productive process itself

Insufficient institutions and mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement of women

Lack of awareness of and commitment to internationally and nationally recognized women's rights

Evaluation of innovative programmes, projects and initiatives in support of women in agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Review and appraisal of international support

Future strategic goals and objectives and corresponding financial arrangements


Annex I: The role of women in crop production

Annex II: The role of women in livestock production

Annex III: Women's access to credit

Annex IV: WID units in selected countries

Annex V: NGO support to rural women in selected countries

Annex VI: Innovative programmes, projects and initiatives in support of rural women

Annex VII: Review and appraisal of international support

Annex VIII: Future strategic goals and objectives

Other selected readings in the series

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