Chairperson |
Benalia BELHOUADJEB (Algeria) |
Vice-Chairpersons Vice-président(e)s Vice Presidentes |
Juan NUIRY SÁNCHEZ (Cuba) Saeed NOURI-NAEENI (Iran, Islamic Republic of) Jan BERTELING (Netherlands) |
Delegate | |
Naik Muhammad GARDIZI Minister for Agriculture Kabul |
Alternate | |
Hamiddullah Nasser ZIA Minister Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Lufter XHUVELI Minister for Agriculture and Food Tirana |
Alternates | |
Leontiev ÇUÇI Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Leonidha KOSTA Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Sali METANI Director Foreign Relations Department Ministry of Agriculture and Food Tirana |
Délégué | |
Benalia BELHOUADJEB Ministre de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Suppléants | |
Hocine MEGHAR Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Rachid BENAISSA Chef de Cabinet Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Abdallah GHEBALOU Directeur général des forêts Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Yacine BAKAIL Directeur détudes Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Med Salah SMATI Directeur général des pêches Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Bousekrine BOUDAA Chargé détudes et de synthèse Chargé des relations internationales Alger |
Med Nadji BENCHEIKH-LEHOCINE Chargé détudes et de synthèse Chargé du dossier suivi Sommet Mondial de lAlimentation Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Aomar AIT AMEUR MEZIANÉ Directeur des productions agricoles Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Hamid Abdelaziz ACHOUR Directeur général Institut national de médecine vétérinaire Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Sid Ahmed FERROUKHI Directeur général adjoint Institut national de la recherche agricole Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Alger |
Mme Hariba YAHIA-CHERIF Conseillère Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de la FAO Rome |
Nasreddine RIMOUCHE Chef de Bureau Ministère des affaires étrangères Alger |
Ahmed HACHEMI Conseiller Ambassade dAlgérie Rome |
Délégué | |
Gilberto Buta LUTUCUTA Ministre de lagriculture et du développement rural Luanda |
Suppléants | |
Antero Alberto EVERDOSA ABREU Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Kiala Kia MATEVA Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO Rome |
Alberto Carlos AMARAL Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Jacinto JOÃO Directeur du cabinet du Ministre de lagriculture Ministère de lagriculture et du développement rural Luanda |
Pedro Agostinho KANGA Chef du département de la coopération et des relations internationales Ministère de lagriculture et du développement rural Luanda |
Kimawu UKINU DANIEL Technicien supérieur Département de la coopération et des relations internationales Ministère de lagriculture et du développement rural Luanda |
Mme Adelaide Luis FONTES PEREIRA Assistante du Ministre Ministère de lagriculture et du développement rural Luanda |
Delegate | |
Vere Cornwall BIRD Jr Minister for Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries St Johns |
Delegado | |
Enrique A. PAREJA Embajador de la República Argentina en Zimbabwe Harare |
Suplentes | |
Sra. Ileana DI GIOVAN BATTISTA Ministro Plenipotenciario Subsecretaría de Negociaciones Económicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Buenos Aires |
Sra. Hilda Graciela GABARDINI Consejero Encargado de Negocios a.i. Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Mario BOSSI de EZCURRA Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Ariel FERNÁNDEZ Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Asesores | |
Juan Carlos Roland VIGNAUD Embajador de la República Argentina ante el Reino de Suecia Estocolmo |
Sra. Marcela MOLINARI-BELTRÁN Agregado Administrativo Representante Permanente Agregado ante la FAO Roma |
Sra. Andrea FORBES Representación Permanente de la República Argentina ante la FAO Roma |
Sra. María Inés JAIME BURMEISTER Representación Permanente de la República Argentina ante la FAO Roma |
Delegate | |
Gagik SHAHBAZIAN Minister for Agriculture Erevan |
Alternate | |
Gaghik BAGHDASSARYAN Ambassador Embassy of Armenia Rome |
Delegate | |
Warren TRUSS Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Canberra |
Alternates | |
Paul HICKEY Executive Director Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Canberra |
Dennis GEBBIE Assistant Secretary Internal Branch Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Canberra |
Roger SMITH Secretary Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries Darwin |
Ms Sue WHITE Senior Adviser Office of the Minister Canberra |
Paul ROSS Counsellor (Agriculture) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Brett HUGHES Director FAO and Americas Section Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Canberra |
Andrew Craig COONEY Policy Officer FAO and Americas Section Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Canberra |
Delegate | |
Wilhelm MOLTERER Federal Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Vienna |
Alternates | |
Mrs Hedwig WÖGERBAUER Head of Division Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vienna |
Mrs Elke ATZLER Head of Division Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vienna |
Cristian MANDL Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Vienna |
Mrs Natalie FEISTRITZER Attaché (Agricultural Affairs) Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Reinhard SCHWENDTBAUER Member of the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vienna |
Mrs Karin LAURITSCH Austrian Embassy Rome |
Delegate | |
Earl DEVEAUX Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Nassau |
Alternates | |
Carl Francis SMITH Director of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Nassau |
Michael T. BRAYNEN Director of Fisheries Technical Advisor Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Nassau |
Delegate | |
Ali Ibrahim AL-MAHROOS Minister for Works and Agriculture Manama |
Alternates | |
Siddiq AL-ALAWI Assistant Under-Secretary Ministry of Works and Agriculture Manama |
Jamal BUSHAGER General Coordinator and Manager Ministry of Works and Agriculture Manama |
Saeed Abdulla AL AYOUBI Superintendent Land Reclamation and International Relations Section Ministry of Works and Agriculture Manama |
Hussein Jawad AL LAITH Head Projects Engineering Ministry of Works and Agriculture Manama |
Delegate | |
A.M.M. SHAWKAT ALI Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Dhaka |
Alternates | |
Muhammad ZAMIR Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Mohammad MEJBAHUDDIN Counsellor (Econ.) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Anthony WOOD Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development Bridgetown |
Alternate | |
Lyall W. SMALL Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Bridgetown |
Délégué | |
Jaak GABRIELS Ministre de lagriculture et des classes moyennes Bruxelles |
Suppléants | |
Jacques de MONTJOYE Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Xavier DE CUYPER Chef de cabinet du Ministre Ministère de lagriculture et des classes moyennes Bruxelles |
Johnny DEMAITER Conseiller général Département de la politique agricole internationale et de la pêche Ministère de lagriculture et des classes moyennes Bruxelles |
Wilfred GEENS Directeur du service des Nations Unies Ministère des affaires étrangères Bruxelles |
René POISMANS Ingénieur Service des relations internationales Ministère de lagriculture et des classes moyennes Bruxelles |
Christian PANNEELS Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Mme Yolande SNOY Conseillère Adjointe Service des Institutions spécialisées Département des affaires étrangères Bruxelles |
Charles BOIS dENGHIEN Conseiller Adjoint Direction des relations économiques multilatérales Bruxelles |
Mme Justine GENTILE-PEREBOOMS Secrétaire Représentante permanente suppléante auprès de la FAO Rome |
Jean-Christophe JACOBS Attaché à la division des relations internationales de la Région Wallonne Bruxelles |
Delegate | |
Horace GRANT Assistant Secretary Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives Belmopan |
Délégué | |
Théophile NATA Ministre du développement rural Cotonou |
Suppléant | |
Imorou ADAM Directeur de lagriculture Ministère du développement rural Cotonou |
Delegate | |
Lyonpo KINZANG DORJI Minister for Agriculture Thimphu |
Alternates | |
Choni DHENDUP Head of Marketing Unit Ministry of Agriculture Thimphu |
Ms Chime P. WANGDI Programme Co-ordinator Ministry of Agriculture Thimphu |
Delegado | |
Oswaldo ANTEZANA VACA DIEZ Ministro de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural La Paz |
Suplentes | |
Javier ZUAZO CHÁVEZ Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Juan I. SILES DEL VALLE Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Sra. María Soledad PAREJA DELOS Primer Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Delegate | |
Miroslav PALAMETA Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Pelokgale SELOMA Assistant Minister for Agriculture Gaborone |
Alternates | |
Thomas Madubeng TAUKOBONG Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Gaborone |
Gaorelathe NAMETSEGANG MABUA Deputy Director Crop Production and Forestry Ministry of Agriculture Gaborone |
Atamelang Anthony MOKGARE Principal Agricultural Economist Ministry of Agriculture Gaborone |
Delegates | |
Marcos Vinicius PRATINI DE MORAES Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Supply Brasilia |
Raul BELENS JUNGMANN PINTO Minister Extraordinary for Land Policy Brasilia |
Alternates | |
Júlio C. GOMES dos SANTOS Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Carlos Antônio da ROCHA PARANHOS Career Ambassador International Advisor of the Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Supply Brasilia |
Ms Irene PESSOA DE LIMA CÂMARA Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ms Mitzi GURGEL VALENTE da COSTA Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
João Maurício CABRAL de MELLO Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Daniel FALCON LINS Third Secretary Division of Social Themes Ministry of External Relations Brasilia |
Delegate | |
Gueorgui KARKAMOV Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Agrarian Reform Sofia |
Alternates | |
Krassimir KOSTOV Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ilia KRASTELNIKOV Minister Plenipotentiary International Organizations and Human Rights Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sofia |
Ms Rossitsa GUEORGOVA Senior Expert Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Agrarian Reform Sofia |
Délégué | |
Issa Martin BIKIENGA Ministre de lagriculture Ouagadougou |
Suppléants | |
Mme Béatrice DAMIBA Ambassadeur Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO Rome |
Laya SAWADOGO Secrétaire Général Ministère des enseignements secondaire, supérieur et de la recherche scientifique Ouagadougou |
André Anatole YAMEOGO Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO Rome |
Ousmane TONTOTOGOBO Conseiller Ministère de lagriculture Ouagadougou |
Maxime OUEDRAOGO Ministère des ressources animales Ouagadougou |
Délégué | |
Salvator NTHIABOSE Ministre de lagriculture Bujumbura |
Suppléant | |
Gaspard KABURA Premier Conseiller Chargé daffaires Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Délégué | |
Zacharie PEREVET Ministre de lagriculture Yaoundé |
Suppléants | |
Michael TABONG KIMA Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Simon Pierre ESSOMBA ABANDA Chargé de mission à la présidence de la République Yaoundé |
Marc SAMATANA Directeur Ministère de lagriculture Yaoundé |
Philip MOUMIE Secrétaire permanent Comité de gestion de lassistance FAO/PAM Yaoundé |
Dr DAWA Inspecteur général Ministère de lélevage, des pêches et des industries animales Yaoundé |
Roger Martin FOTEU KAMENI Conseiller technique Ministère de lenvironnement et des forêts Yaoundé |
Celestin MODESTE BOMBA Chef de service des institutions specialisées de lONU à caractère économique et technique Ministère des relations extérieures Yaoundé |
Thomas NDIVE MOKAKE Deuxième Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO Rome |
Jeannot ENGOLA OYEP Secrétaire permanent CP/PNRVA Ministère de la recherche scientifique et technique Yaoundé |
Delegate | |
Lyle VANCLIEF Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Alternates | |
Jeremy K.B. KINSMAN Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ms. Denise BOUDRIAS Assistant Deputy Minister Market and Industry Services Branch Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Ronald ROSE Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Bill DOERING Executive Director Programs and Multilateral Affairs Division International Markets Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Ms Barbara DOAN Special Assistant to the Minister Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Paul DELANEY Director for Europe International Market Bureau Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Ms Eileen DURAND Assistant Deputy Director for Europe International Market Bureau Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Iain MAC GILLIVRAY Senior Specialist in Agriculture Canadian International Development Agency Ottawa |
Dave LUCK Senior Economist Economic Analysis Division Department of Fisheries and Oceans Ottawa |
Ms Janice VANSICKLE Acting Director General Communications Branch Agriculture and Agri-Food Ottawa |
Ms Thi Lan HOANG Adviser UN Specialized Agencies and Economic Issues Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ottawa |
Délégué | |
José António PINTO MONTEIRO Ministre de lagriculture, de lalimentation et de lenvironnement Praia |
Suppléants | |
Élvio G. Napoleão FERNANDES Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Mme Adelaide RIBEIRO Directrice de la coopération Ministère de lagriculture, de lalimentation et de lenvironnement Praia |
Mme Maria Ferananda TAVARES FERNANDES Secrétaire Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de la FAO Rome |
Mme Elísia MONTEIRO Technicienne Direction des services de la coopération Ministère de lagriculture, de lalimentation et de lenvironnement Praia |
Délégué | |
Mme Marie Madeleine NZELA Cadre des finances Ministère de léconomie, des finances, du plan et de la coopération internationale Bangui |
Délégué | |
Mme Bintou MALLOUM Ambassadeur Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO Rome |
Delegado | |
Ángel SARTORI ARELLANO Ministro de Agricultura Santiago |
Suplentes | |
Víctor Manuel REBOLLEDO GONZÁLEZ Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Carlos FURCHE Director Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrícolas (ODEPA) Ministerio de Agricultura Santiago |
Jaime CONTRERAS Consejero Dirección de Política Multilateral Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Santiago |
Humberto MOLINA REYES Primer Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Sra. Francisca PRATICO Representación Permanente de Chile ante la FAO Roma |
Delegate | |
CHEN YAOBANG Minister for Agriculture Beijing |
Alternates | |
TANG ZHENGPING Director-General Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
LIANG QU Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
XU HAIJIANG Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
YU YONGWEI Director-General Office of General Affairs Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
DUAN WUDE Deputy Director-General Department of Science and Education Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
ZHANG ZHONGQIU Deputy Director-General Department of Animal Production and Husbandry Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
Mrs JIANG YONGHUA Director-General Department of Foreign Finance Ministry of Finance Beijing |
JIN WENCHENG Division Director Office of General Affairs Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
XU NANSHAN Division Director Department of Foreign Finance Ministry of Finance Beijing |
NI HONGXING Deputy Division Director Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
WANG JINBIAO Programme Officer Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Beijing |
Ms WANG XINXIA Deputy Division Director Department of International Organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs Beijing |
TANG SHENGYAO Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
WANG ZHANLU Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegado | |
Carlos Eduardo MARTÍNEZ SIMAHAN Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Suplentes | |
Bernardo GUTIÉRREZ ZULUAGA BOTERO Primer Secretario Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Roma |
José Ignacio MEJÍA VELÁSQUEZ Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Alfredo ALDANA MIRANDA Consejero Embajada de Colombia Roma |
Délégué | |
Innocent MANDENDE MOKOSA Secrétaire général de lagriculture Kinshasa |
Suppléants | |
Mme Justine SANGO YA TAMBWE Directrice et experte nationale au secrétariat général à lagriculture Kinshasa |
Mpuza KAPUNDU Directeur de Cabinet Adjoint Ministère de lagriculture et de lélevage Kinshasa |
Bokisila NDASHAO Directeur de la cellule nationale dinformation sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition Secrétariat général à lagriculture Ministère de lagriculture et de lélevage Kinshasa |
Munwaku MALEFELE Premier Secrétaire Ambassade de la République Démocratique du Congo Rome |
Phoba DINKA Secrétaire administratif Ambassade de la République Démocratique du Congo Rome |
Délégué | |
Auguste-Célestin GONGARAD-NKOUA Ministre de lagriculture et de lélevage Brazzaville |
Suppléants | |
Jean-Claude ELOMBILA Directeur général Brazzaville |
Gilbert OKOMBA Conseiller à lagriculture Brazzaville |
ELENGA-MPILA Attaché à la coopération Brazzaville |
Rufin Gabriel AMBERO Ministre Conseiller Chargé daffaires a.i. Rome |
Georges GUITO Premier Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Grégoire NKEOUA Centre liaison Congo sur les ressources phytogénétiques Ministère de léconomie forestière chargé de la pêche et des ressources halieutiques Brazzaville |
Jacques KANWE Conseiller aux forêts Ministère de léconomie forestière chargé de la pêche et des ressources halieutiques Brazzaville |
Delegado | |
Esteban R. BRENES Ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería San José |
Suplentes | |
Sra. Victoria GUARDIA ALVARADO de HERNÁNDEZ Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Sergio SALAS Gerente de SENARA San José |
Sra. Yolanda GAGO de SINIGAGLIA Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Sra. Marcela SUÑOL PREGO Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Délégué | |
Amadou OUATTARA Ministre Délégué auprès du Ministre de lagriculture et des ressources animales Chargé des jeunes exploitants agricoles Abidjan |
Suppléants | |
Emmanuel Kouassi NOUAMA Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Aboubakar BAKAYOKO Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO Rome |
Lassina COULIBALY Secrétaire du Comité National pour lalimentation Abidjan |
Delegate | |
Ivan DURKI C Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Zagreb |
Alternates | |
Davorin RUDOLF Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Vlado BI C ANI Assistant Minister Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Zagreb |
Ms Duka PARAVI C Minister Plenipotentiary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ms Lidija MRKOCI Head of Department for International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Zagreb |
Branimir C E C UK First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
CUBA | |
Delegado | |
Alejandro ROCA IGLESIAS Ministro de la Industria Alimenticia La Habana |
Suplentes | |
Juan NUIRY SÁNCHEZ Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Sra. Ana María NAVARRO ARRÚE Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Roma |
Ricardo GONZÁLEZ Director Gabinete del Ministro de la Industria Alimenticia La Habana |
Armando CASADO Especialista Ministerio para la Inversión Extranjera y la Colaboración Económica La Habana |
Delegate | |
Costas THEMISTOCLEOUS Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Nicosia |
Alternates | |
Symeon MATSIS Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Nicosia |
George F. POULIDES Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Andreas ROUSHIAS Agricultural Attaché Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Harris ZANNETIS Agricultural Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Nicosia |
Delegate | |
Jan FENCL Minister for Agriculture Prague |
Alternates | |
Tomá ZIDEK Deputy Minister for Agriculture Prague |
Miroslav FIEDLER Deputy Minister for Finance Prague |
Ji ri NOVÁK Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Pavel KODA United Nations Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prague |
Vojtech HAVRÁNEK Secretary Czech Committee for Cooperation with FAO International Trade Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture Prague |
Ms Zuzana DOUBKOVÁ Department of Environmental Hazards Ministry of the Environment Prague |
Delegate | |
Mrs Kin YONG SUK Vice-Minister Ministry of Agriculture Pyongyang |
Alternates | |
Kim HUNG RIM Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
YUN SU CHANG Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Kim YONG Secretary General FAO National Committee Pyongyang |
Han TAE SONG First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ri HYONG CHOL Senior Officer FAO National Committee Pyongyang |
Ri KWANG HYOK Third Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Henrik Dam KRISTENSEN Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Copenhagen |
Alternates | |
Gunnar RIBERHOLDT Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Poul OTTOSEN Permanent Secretary Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Copenhagen |
Børge SCHOU PEDERSEN Head of Department Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Copenhagen |
Ms Birgitte MØLLER CHRISTENSEN Minister Counsellor (Agriculture) Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Jørgen MÆRSK PEDERSEN Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Anders ASMIND Personal Assistant to the Minister Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Copenhagen |
Ms Ulla HEIDEN Head of Section Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Copenhagen |
Lars BREDAL Head of Section Ministry of Foreign Affairs Copenhagen |
Délégué | |
Ali Mohamed DAOUD Ministre de lagriculture, de lélevage et de la mer Djibouti |
Suppléants | |
Djama Mahamoud DOUALEH Chef de Bureau de programmation et de suivi Ministère de lagriculture, de lélevage et de la mer Djibouti |
Aboulkader KAMIL Directeur Office national des eaux Ministère de lagriculture, de lélevage et de la mer Djibouti |
Delegate | |
Peter CARBON Minister for Agriculture and the Environment Roseau |
Alternate | |
Mrs Hannelore A.H. BENJAMIN Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegado | |
Rafael CALVENTI Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Suplente | |
Juan BORG GIL Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Delegado | |
José PARRA GIL Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Suplentes | |
Marco SAMANIEGO SALAZAR Ministro Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Roma |
Carlos LARREA DÁVILA Segundo Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Delegate | |
Nehad Ibrahim ABDEL-LATIF Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Alternates | |
Mohamed Abd El Hamid KHALIFA Agricultural Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representtaive to FAO Rome |
Raafat Salah El-Din ZAKI Senior Specialist International Organizations and Conferences Department Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Cairo |
Reda Habib I. ZAKI First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegado | |
Sra. María Eulalia JIMÉNEZ DE MOCHI ONORI Ministro Consejero Encargado de Negocios a.i. Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Roma |
Suplente | |
Eduardo VIDES LARÍN Ministro Consejero Embajada de El Salvador ante la Santa Sede Rome |
Delegate | |
Arefaine BERHE Minister for Agriculture Asmara |
Alternates | |
Fessahazion PIETROS Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Yohannes TENSUE First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Ivari PADAR Minister for Agriculture Tallinn |
Alternates | |
Toomas KEVVAI Vice Chancellor Ministry of Agriculture Tallinn |
Ruve ANK Vice Chancellor Tallinn |
Mrs Ene LEPP Head of the Bureau of Foreign Relations Ministry of Agriculture Tallinn |
Mrs Maija TASA-AUN Attaché External Economic Policy Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tallinn |
Mrs Elena SUETT-ASKERSTAM Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Mengistu HULUKA Minister for Agriculture Addis Ababa |
Alternates | |
Ms Halima MOHAMMED Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Gebrehiwot REDAI Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Délégué | |
Alexandre TILGENKAMP Directeur des affaires internationales concernant lagriculture Bruxelles |
Suppléants | |
Mme Vilma DU MARTEAU Ambassadeur Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO Rome |
Hugo-Maria SCHALLY Chef de lUnité Politique de développement et questions multilatérales Direction générale Développement Bruxelles |
Gerasimos APOSTOLATOS Administrateur principal Direction générale Santé et protection des consommateurs Bruxelles |
Andrew BYRNE Premier Secrétaire Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Mme Frances Anne HUNTER Attachée Représentante permanente suppléante auprès de la FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Niumaia TABUNAKAWAI Permanent Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests Suva |
Alternate | |
Kaliopate TAVOLA Acting Chairman Sugar Commission of Fiji Suva |
Delegate | |
Kalevi HEMILÄ Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Alternates | |
Glen LINDHOLM Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki |
Jarmo RATIA Secretary General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Veli-Pekka TALVELA Director General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Raimo ANTTOLA Deputy Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki |
Ms Ulla-Maija FINSKAS Minister Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Jan HEINO Director General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Ms Anne HUHTAMÄKI Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki |
Ms Aulikki KAUPPILA Counsellor Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Ms Pirkko-Liisa KYÖSTILÄ First Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki |
Ms Lea LASTIKKA Deputy Director General Finnish Food and Drink Industries Federation Helsinki |
Jouko NIEMINEN Trade Policy Adviser Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) Helsinki |
Juhani ROUHIAINEN Counsellor (Agriculture) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ms Anna SANTALA Senior Adviser Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Ms Mirja SUURNÄKKI Counsellor Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Ms Seija TORO Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ms Anneli VUORINEN Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki |
Veikko MARTTILA Director Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Helsinki |
Ms Leena HÖMMÖ Assistant Embassy of Finland Rome |
Ms Eeva SUHONEN Assistant Embassy of Finland Rome |
Ms Alda SILVEIRA-REIS Principal Administrator European Union Council Secretariat Brussels |
Hans HOLSTEIN Administrator European Union Council Secretariat Brussels |
Ms Elisa CHIANALE Official European Union Council Secretariat Brussels |
Ms Annie PATIES Official European Union Council Secretariat Brussels |
Délégué | |
Louis DOMINICI Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Suppléants | |
Alain PIERRET Président du Comité interministériel pour lalimentation et lagriculture Paris |
Patrick PRUVOT Secrétaire général du Comité interministériel pour lalimentation et lagriculture Paris |
Marc GIACOMINI Sous-Directeur des Affaires économiques Direction des Nations Unies et des organisations internationales Ministère des affaires étrangères Paris |
Mme Catherine GESLAIN-LANEELLE Sous-Directrice des échanges internationaux Direction de la production et des échanges Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Paris |
Daniel BERTHERY Conseiller scientifique Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Paul LUU Chef du Bureau Afrique Méditerranée et organisations internationales Direction des politiques économiques et internationales Ministère de lagriculture et de la pêche Paris |
Hervé GALLÈPE Conseiller Représentation permanente de la France auprès de lUnion européenne Bruxelles |
Renaud COLLARD Chargé de mission Direction des Nations Unies et des organisations internationales Ministère des affaires étrangères Paris |
Mme Marie-France TEILLARD DEYRY Chargée de mission Direction générale de la coopération internationale et du développement Ministère des affaires étrangères Paris |
Jean-Louis MULTON Direction des relations internationales Institut national de la recherche agronomique Paris |
Délégué | |
Gaston No el MBOUMBOU-NGOMA Ministre de lagriculture, de lélevage et du développement rural Libreville |
Suppléants | |
Hilaire MATHAS NGOUBA Haut Commissaire Ministère de lagriculture, de lélevage et du développement rural Libreville |
Marcel IBINGA-MAGWANGU Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Mme Ivone Alves DIAS DA GRAÇA Première Conseillère Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de la FAO Rome |
Pierre NYAR OLLAME Conseiller technique du Ministre des eaux et forêts Ministère des eaux et forêts et de la pêche Libreville |
Robert ONDOH-MVE Directeur des pêches artisanales Libreville |
Honoré NGOMA Ministère de lagriculture, de lélevage et du développement rural Libreville |
Delegate | |
Fasainey DUMBUYA Secretary of State for Agriculture Banjul |
Alternates | |
Mamadi CEESAY Deputy Permanent Secretary Department of State for Agriculture Banjul |
Yaya SARR Director Department of Agricultural Services Banjul |
Delegate | |
Bakur GULUA Minister for Agriculture and Food Tbilisi |
Alternate | |
Mrs Rusudan LORTKIPANIDZE Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Karl-Heinz FUNKE Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Alternates | |
Dietrich LINCKE Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Jürgen DETKEN Director General International Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Theodor SEEGERS Director Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Klaus GARCKE Head of Division International Food and Agriculture Organizations Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Roland MAUCH Head of Division United Nations Economic and Development Affairs Federal Foreign Office Berlin |
Carl-Josef WEIERS First Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Gerhard DILG First Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Jörn BEIßERT Desk Officer Division for United Nations Economic and Development Affairs Federal Foreign Office Berlin |
Sigrun NEUWERTH Head of Press Department Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Ms Karola FABER Assistant to the Minister Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Ms Petra HECKER Assistant International Food and Agriculture Organizations Division Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Bonn |
Harald BAJORAT Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
J.H. OWUSU ACHEAMPONG Minister for Food and Agriculture Accra |
Alternates | |
Mrs Aanaa N. ENIN Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Mallam Issah SEIDU Minister Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Kwaku NICOL Acting Managing Director Ghana Food Distribution Cooperation Ministry of Food and Agriculture Accra |
Ms Azara Ali MAMSHIE Senior Agricultural Economist Ministry of Food and Agriculture Accra |
Delegate | |
Georges ANOMERITIS Minister for Agriculture Athens |
Alternates | |
E. TSEKOURAS Secretary-General Agricultural Policy and International Relations Ministry of Agriculture Athens |
Antonios VLAVIANOS Minister Counsellor Embassy of Greece Rome |
Giorgios PAPADOPOULOS Counsellor International Economic Organizations Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Athens |
Vassilis BORNOVAS Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Dimitrios DADIOTIS Consultant International Economic Organizations Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Athens |
P. TSOTROS Director Agricultural Policy and Verification Directorate Ministry of Agriculture Athens |
Mrs Georgia BAZOTI Head of Section Agricultural Policy and Verification Directorate Ministry of Agriculture Athens |
Delegado | |
Sra. Josefina MORALES FIGUEROA Embajadora en Italia Roma |
Suplentes | |
Sra. Rita CLAVERIE DE SCIOLLI Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Héctor I. ESPINOZA FARFÁN Primer Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Délégué | |
Jean Paul SARR Ministre de lagriculture, et de lélevage Conakry |
Suppléants | |
Souhaib Deen BANGURA Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Abdul Karim CAMARA Directeur National de lagriculture Ministère de lagriculture et de lélevage Conakry |
Arafan Kabiné KABA Chef de Division Organisations et conférences internationales Ministère des affaires étrangères Conakry |
Ce GAMY Chef de section ONU pour le Développement rural Ministère du plan et de la coopération Conakry |
Délégué | |
Manuel BATISTA Directeur général de lagriculture et de lélevage Ministre de lagriculture, des pêches et des ressources naturelles Bissau |
Suppléant | |
CARLOS Mateus de AMARANTE Directeur du Cabinet de planification agricole Ministère de lagriculture, des pêches et des ressources naturelles Bissau |
Délégué | |
François SEVERIN Ministre de lagriculture, des ressources naturelles et du développement rural Port-au-Prince |
Suppléants | |
Edouard DEMETRIUS Chef de cabinet Port-au-Prince |
Mme Suze PERCY Conseillère Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de la FAO Rome |
Patrick SAINT-HILAIRE Premier secrétaire Ambassade de la République dHaiti Rome |
Delegado | |
José Rafael FERRARI SAGASTUME Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma |
Suplentes | |
Srta. Cristian MENJIVAR RODRÍGUEZ Agregado Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma |
Manuel Hernando REYES PINEDA Consejero Embajada de Honduras Roma |
Delegate | |
Karóly TAMÁS State Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development Budapest |
Alternates | |
Ferene SULYOK Head of Department Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development Budapest |
Tamás KORSÓS Chargé dAffaires Embassy of the Republic of Hungary Rome |
Ms Mariann KOVÁCS Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Péter SZÖKE Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Hungary Rome |
Ms Dóra EGRI Assistant Permanent Representation of Hungary to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Gu dni ÁGÚSTSSON Minister of Agriculture Reykjavik |
Alternates | |
Björn SIGURBJÖRNSSON Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Reykjavik |
Mrs Sigri dur Á. SN ÆVARR Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Paris |
Gu dni BRAGASON Minister Counsellor Member of th e Icelandic National FAO Committee Reykjavik |
Gu dmundur B. HELGASON Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Paris |
þorsteinn GEIRSSON Ministry of Fisheries Reykjavik |
Jón ERLING JÓNASSON Counsellor Representative to FAO Rome |
Thorgeir LAWRENCE Advisor Ministry of Agriculture Reyjkjavik |
Delegate | |
S.B.P.B.K. SATYANARAYANA RAO Minister of State for Agriculture New Delhi |
Alternates | |
Bhaskar BARUA Secretary Department of Agriculture and Cooperation New Delhi |
M.D. ASTHANA Secretary Department of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution New Delhi |
Kalarickal P. FABIAN Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
P.D. SUDHAKAR Joint Secretary Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi |
Govindan NAIR Joint Secretary Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi |
Ms Neela GANGADHARAN Minister (Agriculture) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ms Malvika PAWAR Director Prime Ministers Office New Delhi |
J. KRISHNA KISHORE Private Secretary to the Minister of State of Agriculture New Delhi |
Delegate | |
Syarifuddin KARAMA Secretary General Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta |
Alternates | |
Soendaroe RACHMAD Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Alim FAUZI Senior Advisor to the Head of Agency for Logistic Affairs Jakarta |
Suharyo HUSEN Director Bureau for International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta |
Tadjoeddin ABDULAH Minister Counsellor Embassy of Indonesia Rome |
I Nyoman ARDHA Agricultural Attaché Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Sumpeno POETRO Agricultural Attaché Permanent Representation of Indonesia to the European Community Brussels |
Erman AZIS Head of Sector for Cooperation Research and Development Centre Agency of National Food Logistics Jakarta |
Ms Adek Triana YUDHASWARI Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Issa KALANTARI Minister for Agriculture Teheran |
Alternates | |
Abdul Ali SABBAGH Deputy Minister Ministry for Economic and Finance Teheran |
Mohammad Saeed NOURI-NAEENI Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Mehdi HAJIKAZEMI Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Mostafa JAFARI Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Ahmad ALAVI Advisor to the Minister Head of the International Relations Department Ministry of Agriculture Teheran |
Shamshoun MAGHSOUDPOUR Member of Parliament Teheran |
Mahmoud BARIMANI Deputy Director International Specialized Agencies Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teheran |
IRAQ | |
Delegate | |
Basil K. DALALI Under-Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Baghdad |
Alternates | |
Bader J. ALLAWI Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Koutaiba M. HASSAN Executive Director National Programme for the Optimum Use of Water Resources of the Euphrates Basin Ministry of Agriculture Baghdad |
Mohammed A. MAHAL Director Relations Department Baghdad |
Rafid HUSSAIN General Director Ministry of Agriculture Baghdad |
Delegate | |
Ned OKEEFE Minister of State Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Dublin |
Alternates | |
John MALONE Secretary General Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Dublin |
Joseph SMALL Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Tony DEVLIN First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Dermot FLOOD Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Dublin |
Ms Breda ROCHE Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Dublin |
Ms Maire DEMPSEY Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Dublin |
Delegate | |
Chaim ORON Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development Tel Aviv |
Alternates | |
Yoram LEVI Director Consumer Products Administration Food, Textiles and Light Industries Ministry of Industry and Trade Tel Aviv |
Arieh SZESKIN Director Foreign Relations Department Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Tel Aviv |
Zvi HERMAN Director Centre for International Agricultural Development Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Tel Aviv |
Raphael MORAV Counsellor Department for Economic Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tel Aviv |
Roy PELED Assistant to the Minister Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Tel Aviv |
Elazar COHEN First Secretary (Economic Affairs) Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Délégué | |
Paolo DE CASTRO Ministre pour les politiques agricoles Rome |
Suppléants | |
Luigi M. FONTANA-GIUSTI Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Mme Rosa Anna CONIGLIO PAPALIA Première Conseillère Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de la FAO Rome |
Adolfo TREGGIARI Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
Cosimo LACIRIGNOLA Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Franco COZZA Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Ruggero FIORAVANTI Ministère du trésor Rome |
Giovanni PREVITI Ministère du trésor Rome |
Mme Laura DI BELLO Ministère du trésor Rome |
Paolo VICENTINI Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Roberto LAUDATO Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Gennaro PISCOPO Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Mme Stefania TEDESCHI Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Mario MARINO Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Marcello GORGONI Ministère des affaires étrangères Rome |
Giovanni ARRU Ministère des affaires étrangères Rome |
Lorenzo RAFFI Ministère des affaires étrangères Rome |
Filippo ALESSI Ministère des affaires étrangères Rome |
Mme Vincenza RUSSO Ministère des affaires étrangères Rome |
Mme Patrizia ROMANO Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Danilo CECCARELLI Ministère des politiques agricoles Rome |
Mme Valeria BOCCIA Stagiaire Universita Bocconi Milano |
Guido BULLIGAN Stagiaire Universita Bocconi Milano |
Delegate | |
Roger CLARKE Minister for Agriculture Kingston |
Alternate | |
Aaron PARKE Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture Kingston |
Delegates | |
Tokuichiro TAMAZAWA Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Hiromoto SEKI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Italy Rome |
Alternates | |
Hideaki KUMAZAWA Vice-Minister for International Affairs Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Masato ITO Minister Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Takafumi TAHARA Director International Cooperation Planning Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Kazuo TANAKA Senior Assistant for Trade and Development Issues Developing Economics Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Hisao HARIHARA Director International Economic Affairs Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Motoi KADAIRA Director Office of International Liaison International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Masakatsu MIZUTA Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Hirofumi KUGITA Director International Agricultural Organizations International Cooperation Planning Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Kazumasa SHIOYA Deputy Director International Cooperation Planning Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Takanori OHASHI First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Hideya YAMADA First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Hiroshi KODAMA Assistant Director International Cooperation Planning Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Toshio UNO Assistant Director Developing Economies Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tokyo |
Yasufumi UEDA Section Chief International Cooperation Planning Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Kazuhiro SHIMANE Section Chief International Policy Planning Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Nenemu OSHIDA Section Chief International Economic Affairs Division International Affairs Department Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo |
Delegate | |
Hashem SHBUL Minister for Agriculture Amman |
Alternates | |
Mazen KHASAWNEH Secretary General Ministry of Agriculture Amman |
Salem AL AKOUR Director of Project Management Ministry of Agriculture Amman |
Ibrahim Abu UTEILAH Director Planning and Development Ministry of Agriculture Amman |
Samir MASARWEH Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Olzhas SULEIMENOV Ambassador Astana |
Alternates | |
Amanbek MUHASHEV Ministry of Foreign Affairs Astana |
Valery TOLMACHEV Ministry of Foreign Affairs Astana |
Barlybay SADYKOV Second Secretary Embassy of Kazakhstan Rome |
Delegate | |
Chris Mogere OBURE Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development Nairobi |
Alternates | |
Bob Francis JALANGO Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Wilfred MWANGI Deputy Permanent Secretary Director of Agriculture and Livestock Production Nairobi |
G.K. NZUVA Senior Deputy Director of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Nairobi |
Paul Kipsigei CHEPKWONY Counsellor (Agriculture) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Joseph Kipchirchir BOINNET Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Tukabu TEROROKO Deputy Secretary Natural Resources Development Tarawa |
Delegate | |
KIM Sung-Hoon Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Seoul |
Alternates | |
CHUNG Tae-Ik Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
CHOI Yong-Kyu Director General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Seoul |
RHO Kyeong-sang Agricultural Attaché Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
YOON Kiho Deputy Director Multilateral Cooperation Divison International Agriculture Bureau Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Seoul |
CHO Il-Ho Deputy Director Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Seoul |
CHOI Il-Hyoung Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Seoul |
CHO Chae-moon Deputy Manager Department of International Cooperation Korea FAO Association Seoul |
HONG Kyoung Soo Manager Department of International Cooperation National Agriculture Cooperative Federation Seoul |
Delegate | |
Mohamed Al Said Abdul Mohssen AL-RIFAI Chairman of Board of Directors Director General of the Public Authority for Agriculture and Fish Resources Kuwait |
Alternates | |
Ahmad S. AL-OQAB Deputy Director General for Financial and Administrative Affairs Kuwait |
Jassem M. H. AL-BADR Deputy Director General for Services and Agricultural Areas Kuwait |
Miss Fatimah HASAN J. HAYAT Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Nasser Ahmad F. Al-AMIR Director of the P.A.A.F Presidents Cabinet Kuwait |
LAOS - LAO | |
Delegate | |
Siene SAPHANGTHONG Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Vientiane |
Alternates | |
Viravanh PHANNOURATH Director General Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vientiane |
Phouangparisack PRAVONGVIENGKHAM Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vientiane |
Singkham PHONVIXAY Director General Department of Livestock and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vientiane |
Langsy XAYVISITH Director General Department of Irrigation Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vientiane |
Délégué | |
Suleiman FRANGIE Ministre de lagriculture Beyrouth |
Suppléants | |
Samir EL-KHOURY Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |
Georges MANSOUR Directeur des études et de la coordination Ministère de lagriculture Beyrouth |
Samir ABOU JAOUDEH Président du Comité administratif du Plan Vert Beyrouth |
Tony EL-SISSA Conseiller du Ministre Ministère de lagriculture Beyrouth |
Fadi HAJJ ALI Secrétaire Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Rome |
DelegateVova B. BULANE Minister for Agriculture, Cooperatives and Land Reclamation Maseru |
Alternates | |
Mrs R.R.NTSINYI Ambassador (designate) Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Maxwell Tieiso KHALEMA Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Mrs M. MOLUMELI Director Economics and Marketing Maseru |
Mrs Ines Maphutheho RANOOE First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Delegate | |
Ali Yousef JUMMA Secretary of the General Peoples Committee for Agriculture Tripoli |
Alternates | |
Nouri Ibrahim HASSAN Ambassador Permanent Representation of the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to FAO Rome |
Taher SADDAK AZABI Secretariat, General Peoples Committee for Agriculture Tripoli |
Mohamed Ahmad AL TASHANI Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Benghazi |
Aiad Abdelkarim HAZIM Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kafra |
Issam Mahjoub ZAWIA Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Amer Abou AÏCHA ALI Secretariat, General Peoples Committee for Livestock Tripoli |
Abdussalam Mohamed ZBIDA Secretariat, General Peoples Committee for Marine Wealth Tripoli |
Ali El Amin EL-TARHONI Secretariat, General Peoples Committee for Agriculture Tripoli |
Mustapha Ali KRIR Secretariat, General Peoples Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Tripoli |
Fauzi A. TAHER Director General Agriculture Research Centre Secretariat, General Peoples Committee for Agriculture Tripoli |
Delegate | |
Vytautas GRUAUSKAS Vice-Minister Ministry of Agriculture Vilnius |
Alternates | |
Antanas MAZILIAUSKAS Director Department of Agricultural Development and Food Ministry of Agriculture Vilnius |
Ms Filomena ZUKAUSKAITE Chargé dAffaires Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome |
Délégué | |
Paul FABER Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome |