


Share your insights and thoughts about recent e-Agriculture developments or the lessons you learned from an experience in ICT for agriculture with the other members of the Community of Practice by writing a blog. e-Agriculture welcomes opinions from its members on any of its themes and these can be submitted for publication. 

These blogs carry the opinions of the members of the community, yet we encourage balanced contribution which where possible give citation to cited sources and also acknowledge the photographs and images used.

In order to post a blog, interested persons must first be registered as a member of the e-Agriculture; there after once logged an option to post a blog is available. For information follow this link

Review the following guidelines for publishing a blog on e-Agriculture.

The blogs published below are intended for knowledge sharing and they do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Food and Agriculture Organization or imply an endorsement.

  • GDCO Sudan Selected as one of the WSIS Prizes 2019 Champion!

    By Ahmed Eisa Gedaref Digital City Organization (GDCO Sudan) e-Agriculture ,, Partnership for Community Development and SDGs Achievement project has been selected as the WSIS Prize 2019 Champion for the Category 13 — Action Line C7. ICT applications: e-Agriculture . The WSIS committee announced the...
    Posted by ahmed Mahmoud eisa on
  • Food Sovereignty of Consumers - Part 2

    by Olaitan Ogunnote & Raimot Adewunmi - Undergraduate Research Assistants, ECV Ontario, SEDRD, University of Guelph. Read Part I As you enter the grocery store, you quickly glance through your shopping list. While examining, you wonder if the orange juice in the fridge is truly 100% orange...
    Posted by Olaitan Ogunnote on
  • How blockchain can help smallholder farmers

    by Imaran Haider The agricultural business has revolutionized in recent years but still faces multiple handles. The supply chain has been faced with the non-transparent, inefficient and noncommunicating network made up of processes, data, actors, and products. Disconnection and lack of transparency...
    Posted by Imran Haider on