Additional International Comparison tables (including Gini coefficients)

Table 1.
Number and Area of Holdings, and Gini's Index of Concentration:

1990 Round of Agricultural Censuses
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Table 2.
Number and Area of Holdings, and Gini's Index of Concentration:

1990, 1980 and 1970 Rounds of Agricultural Censuses
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Table 3.
Number and Area of Holdings by Tenure of Holdings:

1990, 1980 and 1970 Rounds of Agricultural Censuses
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Table 4.
Holdings Reporting Cattle and Number of Head of Cattle:

1990, 1980 and 1970 Rounds of Agricultural Censuses
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Table 5.
Holders Classified by Sex:

1990 Round of Agricultural Censuses
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Table 6.
Holders Classified by Age Groups:

1990 Round of Agricultural Censuses
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Table 7.
Number of Holdings with Land, Classified by Number of Parcels:

1990 Round of Agricultural Censuses
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The Explanatory Notes and Comments refer to the international comparison tables listed above.