Evaluation at FAO

Madagascar - Lenir (L) and Silimy (R) laying the seaweed onto the drying bed. It takes around 3 to 4 weeks.

Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Madagascar

Madagascar is an island country located in the Indian Ocean with a population of 25.5 million. The demographic of the country is characterized by strong growth, estimated at 2.8 percent. Madagascar's population is extremely young, with people under 25 making up more than 60 percent of the population. The country is ranked 164 out of 189 on the Human Development Index and is one of the low income countries. Madagascar, like all nations, is committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development over the next ten years. According to the national review report of the 2030 Agenda process, the level of poverty in Madagascar is high and affects 71.5 percent of the population.

The evaluation of FAO's 2018-2021 Country Programming Framework in Madagascar was conducted in 2021 to inform the new programming cycle.

It showed that FAO was able to adapt to government priorities and supported the development of relevant national policies and strategies. The technical tools and approaches proposed, such as farmer field schools, savings and credit associations, and climate-smart agriculture, were greatly appreciated. However, certain limits have emerged, such as the weak capacity to mobilize state resources, the short duration and modest size of the projects, the weak appropriation of the program by the national counterpart and the insufficient collaboration with the organizations of the civil society and other UN agencies.

The evaluation identified different priorities for the next Country Programming Framework: support for dialogue within the “rural development” and “environment” strategic consultation platforms, promotion of holistic approaches integrating agriculture and sustainable natural resources and a communication strategy involving more other partners.