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codexalimentarius > About Codex > Observers > Codex Observers > List of Codex Observers
Acronym Full name Type of email
AACC Intl AACC International [NGO] [email protected]
AAF Association des Amidonniers et Féculiers [NGO] [email protected]
AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials [NGO] [email protected]
ACF International Action Contre la Faim [NGO] [email protected]
ACP Group African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States [IGO] [email protected]
AEDA/EFLA Association européenne pour le droit de l'alimentation / European Food Law Association [NGO] [email protected]
AESGP Association of the European Self-Medication Industry [NGO] [email protected]
AfricaRice Africa Rice Center [IGO] [email protected]
AGC African Groundnut Council [IGO]
AGRO-CARE aisbl AGRO-CARE aisbl [NGO] [email protected]
AHPA American Herbal Products Association [NGO] [email protected]
AIDGUM Association internationale pour le développement des gommes naturelles [NGO] [email protected]
AIDSMO Arab Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining Organization [IGO] [email protected]
AIIBP/FAIBP Association internationale des industries de bouillons et potages(AIIBP) Federation des Associations de L'industrie des Bouillons et Potages de la CEE (FAIBP) [NGO] [email protected]
AIM AIM [NGO] [email protected]
AIPCE-CEP Association des Industries du Poisson de l'U.E. and Comité des Organisations Nationales des Importateurs et Exportateurs de Poisson de l'U.E. - CEP [NGO] [email protected]
AIPG Association for International Promotion of Gums [NGO] [email protected]
ALA Asociación Latinoamericana de Avicultura [NGO] [email protected]
ALADI Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración [IGO] [email protected]
ALAIAB Alianza Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de la Industria de Alimentos y Bebidas [NGO] [email protected]
AMFEP Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products [NGO] [email protected]
AOAC International AOAC International [NGO] [email protected]
AOAD Arab Organization for Agricultural Development [IGO] [email protected]
AOCS American Oil Chemists' Society [NGO] [email protected]
AOECS Association of European Coeliac Societies [NGO] [email protected]
APCC Asian and Pacific Coconut Community [IGO] [email protected]
APIMONDIA Fédération internationale des associations d'apiculture [NGO] [email protected]
ARSO African Organization for Standardization [IGO] [email protected]
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations [IGO] [email protected]
ASN American Society for Nutrition [NGO] [email protected]
AU African Union [IGO] [email protected]
BEUC Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs [NGO] [email protected]
BIO Biotechnology Industry Organization [NGO] [email protected]
BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Mesures [IGO] [email protected]
C4CCES Centre For Climate Change and Environmental Studies [NGO] [email protected]
CABI CABI International [IGO] [email protected]
CAHFSA Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency [IGO] [email protected]
CAN Comunidad Andina [IGO] [email protected]
CARICOM Caribbean Community [IGO] [email protected]
CCC Calorie Control Council [NGO] [email protected]
CCTA Collagen Casings Trade Association [NGO] [email protected]
CEFIC Conseil européen de l'industrie chimique [NGO] [email protected]
CEFS Comité européen des fabricants de sucre [NGO] [email protected]
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation [NGO] [email protected]
CEN-SAD Community of Sahelo-Saharan States [IGO] [email protected]
CFNI Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute [IGO] [email protected]
CGF The Consumer Goods Forum [NGO] [email protected]
CHAI CHAI – Clinton Health Access Initiative [IGO] [email protected]
CI Consumers International [NGO] [email protected]
CIIAA Commission internationale des industries agricoles et alimentaires [IGO] [email protected]
CLITRAVI Centre de liaison des industries transformatrices de viandes de l'UE [NGO] [email protected]
COCERAL Comité du commerce des céréales, aliments du bétail, oléagineux, huiles et graisses et agrofournitures de l'Union Européenne [NGO] [email protected]
COE Council of Europe [IGO] [email protected]
COFALEC Confederation of European Yeast Producers [NGO] [email protected]
COLEAD Committee Linking Entrepreneurship-Agriculture-Development [NGO] [email protected]
COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa [IGO] [email protected]
COSAV Comité Regional de Sanidad Vegetal del Cono Sur [IGO] [email protected]
CPA Cocoa Producers' Alliance [IGO]
CPIA Conseil phytosanitaire interafricain [IGO] [email protected]
CRFM Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism [IGO] [email protected]
CRN Council for Responsible Nutrition [NGO] [email protected]
Croplife International Croplife International [NGO] [email protected]
CSC Clean Smoke Coalition [NGO] [email protected]
Culinaria Europe Culinaria Europe e. V. [NGO] [email protected]
DRC Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation [NGO] [email protected]
EAC East African Community [IGO] [email protected]
EAPA European Animal Protein Association [NGO] [email protected]
ECA European Cocoa Association [NGO] [email protected]
ECE Economic Commission for Europe [UN] [email protected]
ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean [UN] [email protected]
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States [IGO] [email protected]
EDA European Dairy Association [NGO] [email protected]
EEC Eurasian Economic Commission [IGO] [email protected]
EFA European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations [NGO] [email protected]
EFAD European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians [NGO] [email protected]
EFEMA European Food Emulsifier Manufacturers' Association [NGO] [email protected]
EFFCA European Food and Feed Cultures Association [NGO] [email protected]
EFM European Flour Millers [NGO] [email protected]
EFPRA European Fat Processors and Renderers Association [NGO] [email protected]
EFTA European Free Trade Association [IGO] [email protected]
EHPM European Federation of Associations of Health Product Manufacturers [NGO] [email protected]
ENA Early Nutrition Academy [NGO] [email protected]
ENCA European Network of Childbirth Associations [NGO] [email protected]
ENSA European Natural Soyfoods Manufacturers Association [NGO] [email protected]
EPA European Association of Polyol Producers (EPA) [NGO] [email protected]
EPPO European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization [IGO] [email protected]
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific [UN] [email protected]
ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia [UN] [email protected]
ESPGHAN European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition [NGO] [email protected]
ESSNA European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance [NGO] [email protected]
ETA Enzyme Technical Association [NGO] [email protected]
EU Specialty Food Ingredients Federation of European Specialty Food Ingredients Industries [NGO] [email protected]
EURACHEM EURACHEM [NGO] [email protected]
EUROCARE European Alcohol Policy Alliance [NGO] [email protected]
EUROCOMMERCE EuroCommerce [NGO] [email protected]
EUROGLACES European Ice Cream Association [NGO] [email protected]
Europatat European Potato Trade Association [NGO] [email protected]
EUVEPRO European Vegetable Protein Association [NGO] [email protected]
FEDIOL The EU Vegetable Oil and Proteinmeal Federation [NGO] [email protected]
FEEDM European Federation of Honey Packers and Distributors [NGO] [email protected]
FEFAC European Feed Manufacturers' Federation [NGO] [email protected]
FIA Food Industry Asia (FIA) [NGO] [email protected]
FIVS Fédération internationale des vins et spiritueux [NGO] [email protected]
FoodDrinkEurope FoodDrinkEurope [NGO] [email protected]
FOSFA International Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations International [NGO] [email protected]
FSC Food safety Consortium [NGO] [email protected]
FVE Federation of Veterinarians of Europe [NGO] [email protected]
GAFTA Grain and Feed Trade Association [NGO] [email protected]
GAIN Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition [NGO] [email protected]
GFI Good Food Institute [NGO] [email protected]
GOED Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s [NGO] [email protected]
GPC Global Pulse Confederation [NGO] [email protected]
GSO Standardization Organization for G.C.C. [IGO] [email protected]
HCC Healthy Caribbean Coalition [NGO] [email protected]
HealthforAnimals Health for Animals [NGO] [email protected]
HKI Helen Keller International [NGO] [email protected]
IACFO International Association of Consumer Food Organizations [NGO] [email protected]
IACM International Association of Color Manufacturers [NGO] [email protected]
IADSA International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associations [NGO] [email protected]
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency [UN] [email protected]
IAF International Accreditation Forum [NGO] [email protected]
IAFI International Association of Fish Inspectors [NGO] [email protected]
IAI International Aluminium Institute [NGO] [email protected]
IBFAN International Baby Food Action Network [NGO] [email protected]
ICA International Cellulosics Association [NGO] [email protected]
ICA International Co-operative Alliance [NGO] [email protected]
ICA/IOCCC International Confectionery Association [NGO] [email protected]
ICAAS International Council on Amino Acid Science [NGO] [email protected]
ICBA International Council of Beverages Associations [NGO] [email protected]
ICBWA International Council of Bottled Water Associations [NGO] [email protected]
ICC Chambre de commerce internationale [NGO] [email protected]
ICC/IACST International Association for Cereal Science and Technology [NGO] [email protected]
ICCO International Cocoa Organization [IGO] [email protected]
ICD Industry Council for Development [NGO] [email protected]
ICGA International Chewing Gum Association (ICGA) [NGO] [email protected]
ICGMA International Council of Grocery Manufacturers Associations [NGO] [email protected]
ICMSF International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods [NGO] [email protected]
ICO International Coffee Organization [IGO] [email protected]
ICUMSA International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis [NGO] [email protected]
IDF/FID International Diabetes Federation [NGO] [email protected]
IDF/FIL International Dairy Federation [NGO] [email protected]
IEC International Egg Commission [NGO] [email protected]
IFAAO International Food Authenticity Assurance Organization [NGO] [email protected]
IFAC International Food Additives Council [NGO] [email protected]
IFFA International Frozen Foods Association [NGO] [email protected]
IFFO The Marine Ingredients Organisation [NGO] [email protected]
IFIF International Feed Industry Federation [NGO] [email protected]
IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements [NGO] [email protected]
IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute [NGO] [email protected]
IFPS International Federation for Produce Standards [NGO] [email protected]
IFT Institute of Food Technologists [NGO] [email protected]
IFU International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association [NGO] [email protected]
IGAD Intergovernamental Authority on Development [IGO] [email protected]
IGTC International Glutamate Technical Committee [NGO] [email protected]
IICA Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture [IGO] [email protected]
IIF/IIR Institut international du froid/International Institute of Refrigeration [IGO] [email protected]
ILCA International Lactation Consultant Association [NGO] [email protected]
ILSI International Life Sciences Institute [NGO] [email protected]
IMACE The European Margarine Association [NGO] [email protected]
IMS International Meat Secretariat [NGO] [email protected]
INC International Nut and Dried Fruit Council Foundation [NGO] [email protected]
INCAP Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá [IGO] [email protected]
INFOODS International Network of Food Data Systems [UN] [email protected]
INL The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) IGO [IGO] [email protected]
International Stevia Council ISC International Stevia Council [NGO] [email protected]
IOC International Olive Council [IGO] [email protected]
IOFI International Organization of the Flavor Industry [NGO] [email protected]
IOSTA International Organization of Spice Trade Associations [NGO] [email protected]
IPA International Probiotics Association [NGO] [email protected]
IPC The International Poultry Council [NGO] [email protected]
IPIFF International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed [NGO] [email protected]
IPPA International Pectin Producers' Association [NGO] [email protected]
IRUFA International Ready To Use Foods Association [NGO] [email protected]
ISA International Sweeteners Association [NGO] [email protected]
ISC International Society of Citriculture [NGO] [email protected]
ISDI International Special Dietary Foods Industries [NGO] [email protected]
ISO International Organization for Standardization [NGO] [email protected]
ITC International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO [UN] [email protected]
IUFoST International Union of Food Science and Technology [NGO] [email protected]
IUMS International Union of Microbiological Societies [NGO] [email protected]
IUNS International Union of Nutritional Sciences [NGO] [email protected]
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry [NGO] [email protected]
LAS League of Arab States [IGO] [email protected]
MARINALG International World Association of Seaweed Processors [NGO] [email protected]
MERCOSUR Mercado Común del Sur [IGO] [email protected]
MoniQA MoniQA Association [NGO] [email protected]
MSF Médecins Sans Frontières International MSF [NGO] [email protected]
NATCOL Natural Food Colours Association [NGO] [email protected]
NCD Alliance NCD Alliance [NGO] [email protected]
NHF National Health Federation [NGO] [email protected]
NMKL Nordic-Baltic Committee on Food Analysis [NGO] [email protected]
NPA Natural Products Association [NGO] [email protected]
NSF NSF International [NGO] [email protected]
OAMCAF Organisation africaine et malgache du café [IGO]
OAS Organization of American States [IGO]
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [IGO] [email protected]
OENOPPIA Oenological Products and Practices International Association [NGO] [email protected]
OFCA Organisation des Fabricants de produits Cellulosiques Alimentaires [NGO] [email protected]
OIML Organisation internationale de métrologie légale [IGO] [email protected]
OIRSA Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria [IGO] [email protected]
PAHO Pan American Health Organization [UN] [email protected]
PC Pacific Community [IGO] [email protected]
PRRI Public Research and Regulation Initiative [NGO] [email protected]
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation [IGO] [email protected]
SADC Southern African Development Community [IGO] [email protected]
SELA Sistema Económico Latinoamericano [IGO] [email protected]
SIECA Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana [IGO] [email protected]
SNE Specialised Nutrition Europe [NGO] [email protected]
South Centre South Centre [IGO] [email protected]
SSAFE SSAFE [NGO] [email protected]
Stresa Convention Conseil permanent de la Convention internationale de Stresa sur l'emploi des appellations d'origine et dénominations de fromages [IGO]
THIE Tea & Herbal Infusions Europe [NGO] [email protected]
UDEAC Union douanière et économique de l'Afrique centrale [IGO]
UEMOA Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine [IGO] [email protected]
UILI Union internationale des laboratoires indépendents international union of independents laboratories [NGO] [email protected]
UN United Nations [UN]
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UN] [email protected]
UNDP United Nations Development Programme [UN] [email protected]
UNECA Economic Commission for Africa [UN] [email protected]
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme [UN] [email protected]
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) [UN] [email protected]
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization [UN] [email protected]
USP United States Pharmacopeial Convention [NGO] [email protected]
Vital Vital Strategies, Inc. [NGO] [email protected]
WCO World Customs Organization [IGO] [email protected]
WFA World Federation of Advertisers [NGO] [email protected]
WFP World Food Programme [UN] [email protected]
WFPHA World Federation of Public Health Associations [NGO] [email protected]
WGPAT Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity [NGO] [email protected]
WOAH World Organisation for Animal Health [IGO] [email protected]
WOF World Obesity Federation [NGO] [email protected]
WPHNA World Public Health Nutrition Association [NGO] [email protected]
WPTC World Processing Tomato Council [NGO] [email protected]
WRO World Renderers Organization [NGO] [email protected]
WSRO World Sugar Research Organization [NGO] [email protected]
WTO World Trade Organization [IGO] [email protected]
WVA World Veterinary Association [NGO] [email protected]
YLFA Association of Yoghurts & Live fermented milks [NGO] [email protected]