Système d’information sur les ressources alimentaires et d’engrais en aquaculture

Black tiger shrimp - Growth

Shrimp moult roughly every 21 d, so show a discontinuous growth pattern (Mishra, Verdegem and van Dam, 2002; Franco, Ferreira and Nobre, 2006). Growth models for Penaeus monodon have been derived from both the Gompertz (Jackson and Wang, 1998) and the von Bertalanffy models (Huang et al., 2006) (Figure 16).

The male curve is a good “standard curve” for feed management:
Shrimp weight = 87.97 × ((1 – EXP(-0.0093 × (day of culture – 28.2))))^2.9498
EXP is e raised to the power of number.

Reported growth curves for P. monodon are quite varied in terms of growth rate (Figure 17) (ASEAN, 1989). Under extensive conditions, there are few limits to maximum growth potential (Figure 18). Feed type (Figure 19), stocking density, feeding schedule and natural pond preparation will affect the initial growth rates of the shrimp. In general, higher stocking densities lead to slower growth rates (Figure 20).