Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)


New and renewed flexible commitments for greater results
The past four years marked a time of growth in commitments and contributions to FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM), the main pooled funding instrument for flexible and less-earmarked voluntary resources in the Organization. In 2021, the FMM partnership base grew from nine to eleven resource...
Sustainable tourism for climate resilience and women’s empowerment in SIDS
Experts and practitioners made the case to promote sustainable tourism across the Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and empower women at a virtual event on 16 March 2022 organized by FAO, the Mountain Partnership and Slow Food International in collaboration with the government of Palau...
Shifting mindsets on gender for rural development, food security and nutrition in Cambodia
On the occasion of International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March, the Government of Cambodia and the FAO Representation in Cambodia have called for robust efforts against gender-based discrimination and bias through investments in local capacity development and ownership, highlighting the progress made in this direction through their joint activities...
New FAO project to advance digitalization of Ethiopia’s agriculture sector
Stakeholders in Ethiopia have called for more investment in digital innovation to improve the productivity and digital transformation of the agriculture sector. The call was made at the launch workshop for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s project, “Global Network of Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs”,...
