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ChispaRural: The digital platform for young rural talents in Guatemala


On 10 October 2017, during the National Forum Change the Future of Migration: Young Rural Entrepreneurs, the Government of Guatemala and FAO's ICA Programme launched ChispaRural.gt, an online platform designed to leverage the talent of motivated youth in rural areas.

ChispaRural.gt is an innovative digital service aimed at the new generations of Guatemalan family farmers and rural entrepreneurs, designed with the support of FAO’s Communication for Development team. It aims to aggregate, in a single virtual space, up-to-date information on opportunities and resources for rural youth offered by different suppliers, as well as practical tools, training materials, best practices and success stories of young agripreneurs. Further, the platform helps youth from different communities and departments connecting and exchanging with each other. 

1. No poverty, 2. Zero hunger, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 11. Sustainable cities, 17. Partnership for the goals

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