Food safety and quality
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Online Edition: "Specifications for Flavourings"

Flavouring 4-Methyl-2-(methylthiomethyl)-2-pentenal
Synonym(s) 2-Methylmercaptomethyl-4-methylpent-2-enal;2-Pentenal, 4-methyl-2-[(methylthio)methyl]-
Latest JECFA evaluation 2010 (Session 73)
Status of specification Full
Chemical name 4-methyl-2-(methylthiomethyl)-2-pentenal
JECFA number 1918
CAS number 40878-73-7
FEMA number 4568
COE number
FLAVIS number
Molecular weight 158.26
Chemical formula C8H14OS
Physical form/odour Clear colourless to yellow liquid; Sharp pungent aroma
Solubility Practically insoluble or insoluble in water
Solubility in ethanol Soluble
Boiling point (°C) 69-70° (2 mm Hg)
Assay min % 95%
Acid value max
Refractive index 1.488-1.498
Specific gravity 0.971-0.981 (20°)
Other requirements
ID Test MS