مرفق الغابات والمزارع

New Working Paper on options to measure to impacts of business models


This FFF working paper is directed towards the leaders of Forest and Farm Producer Organisations (FFPOs) particularly those involving national or international federations which have a mandate to serve their members. Essentially it asks two questions: Do existing labelling schemes do an adequate job of distinguishing elements of FFPO businesses to confer market advantage? Do systems for measuring the contribution of businesses to sustainable development adequately reflect the contribution that FFPOs themselves feel they make?

The aim of this paper is to open a discussion with FFPOs themselves on the benefits of such a framework together with the Forest and Farm Facility (which directly supports forest and farm producer organizations – FFPOs) and it partners in the Forest Connect alliance (a knowledge network for those supporting FFPO businesses). To kick start this discussion the report suggests that FFPOs consider the following:

  • Do FFPOs, as organisations see a need and an advantage in championing new labelling options – and how do their ideas fit with the suggestions and framework in this paper?
  •  To whom or what do FFPOs think a label should apply and for what purposes – and how well might the notions advanced here apply to producers, associations, and businesses who need support, and with what gaps and / or embarrassing inclusions?
  • Is linking two proposals: on labelling (that better distinguishes FFPO businesses); and on metrics (improving how different business contributions to sustainable development is measured) perceived by FFPOs to be essential?

Click here to upload the Working paper.