Mécanisme forêts et paysans


Ils sont une centaine de jeunes agriculteurs dont 30 % de filles à entamer ce mardi, une formation sur les pratiques agro-écologiques et la restauration des paysages forestiers. Le lancement officiel de la formation a été effectué au Centre des jeunes de Blitta dans la région centrale par la Coordination Togolaise...
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take hold in many countries, indigenous peoples are among the most vulnerable. Already dealing with multiple challenges, including threats to their ancestral lands and forests, growing food insecurity, and the impacts of climate change, indigenous peoples and local communities are further disadvantaged during the...
Forest and farm producer organizations, known as FFPOs, and the people they represent, produce 70 percent of the world’s food while using only a quarter of all global agricultural inputs. But COVID-19 and challenges of climate change are putting their longstanding systems – and the global food system – at...
Dans la foulée de la célébration de ses 40 ans d’implantation au Togo, la FAO a accordé de nouvelles subventions à 6 organisations de producteurs forestiers et agricoles (OPFA) et un laboratoire de recherche. Les conventions, 2ème du genre, ont été signée jeudi à Lomé entre le chargé des programmes de la...
During the Covid-19 lockdown, small farmers in Kenya set aside a small piece of their land and grow trees. This will improve their families’ economic situation but also contribute to the conservation of the environment and create a sustainable tree planting culture to achieve the recommended national tree cover target.    ...