Mécanisme forêts et paysans


  Aux dirigeants du monde entier, Le phénomène de la faim a atteint des niveaux sans précédent au cours de l'année écoulée et a mis en évidence la fragilité du système alimentaire mondial. Ce système est extrêmement vulnérable aux chocs, qu'ils soient dus à la Covid, aux conflits ou au...
- The worlds 1.3 billion forest dependent people (including 500 million indigenous people) and an estimated 500 million family farms 1, representing over 90 per cent of all farms globally, are frontliners in confronting difficult climatic conditions - droughts, flooding, and extreme temperatures. Organised into forest and farm producer organisations...
There is evidence that forests managed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLC) are extensive, highly biodiverse, exhibit low deforestation and support food security. IPLC and forest and farm smallholders are the key to building climate resilient landscapes but they receive less than two percent of climate finance and are...
Over the years, Kallari has turned the Chakra traditional system into a market advantage. Its members  researched and promoted the advantages of the cocoa, guayusa and vanilla cultivated and grown under this traditional system, such as the unique characteristics of taste and smell, due to the special cultivation conditions. Because...
Indigenous Peoples in Latin America call for creative climate finance to support their climate actions at an exchange of knowledge on community mechanisms for territorial financing organized from 7 to 9 October in Mexico by AMPB, RedMocaf, FFF and IUCN.