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Dos organizaciones socias del FFF  de Ecuador la Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas e Indígenas de Cotacachi (UNORCAC) y la Corporación de Asociaciones de la Chakra Amazónica ayer obtuvieron el reconocimiento de Sistemas Importantes del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM o GIAHS por sus siglas en inglés) de dos sitios Chakra Andina...
As part of the Global Environment Facility Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Programme, IIED and partners of the Forest and Farm Facility are providing business incubation support around country-specific core themes to forest and farm producer organisations in the Miombo Mopane ecoregion of Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
- Smallholder farmers gain greater recognition in 2022 and unify their voice. Significant steps have been taken in 2022 to raise the visibility of forest and farm producer organizations (FFPOs) and gain greater recognition of their important role in reversing climate change, biodiversity loss, and stamping out persistent rural poverty and...
The indigenous community of San Jerónimo Purenchécuaro is an example of the contribution of Indigenous Peoples to climate action and local populations’ wellbeing and livelihoods. In the tight-knit indigenous community of San Jerónimo Purenchécuaro, Mexico, Gonzalo Vaca Esquivel carries out his duties as elementary school teacher and Secretary of the local...
Smallholder producers in Tanzania join forces to access loans and expand enterprises. Leokardia Audax has been working in agriculture in the Kagera region of north-western Tanzania since 1994. She is a mother of seven children and a producer of vanilla, honey and coffee. She and her husband began...