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Discussions on the way forest and farm smallholder businesses can flourish in the face of climate change by diversifying their products, markets and networks will be the focus of this week’s International Conference for Sharing and Learning with Forest and Farm Producer Organizations. The event takes place in Hanoi in hybrid...
Leaders of forest and farm producer organizations from Togo and Madagascar took centre stage at the GLF (Global Landscapes Forum) Africa Digital Conference on September 15. They headlined an event, the “Resilient Communities through Tree-Based Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa”, organised by the FAO Forest and Farm Facility and GIZ...
In Madagascar, calls for urgent action to safeguard its rapidly disappearing native forests are growing. Madagascar has made a commitment under the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100 Initiative) to restore 4 million hectares (ha) of forest landscape by 2030. The F4F initiative, now celebrating its second anniversary, is supporting the...
The declining soil fertility coupled with the climate change and erratic rainfall patterns has become major challenge to smallholder framers. But restoring soil health using microbial technologies and agroecological practices is possible. Farmers from Ghana are being trained to produce organic fertilizers at lower cost compared to other conventional fertilizers on the market.
Varios países se comprometieron a apoyar con financiación directa a los pueblos nativos durante la última cumbre del clima, en noviembre del año pasado. Sin embargo, falta tratarlos como socios paritarios.