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14/09/2018 El Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras (MDRyT) lanza la segunda fase de la iniciativa Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas (FFF), con el objetivo de apoyar a las organizaciones de productores forestales y agrícolas a mejorar sus medios de vida y abrir mercados para su producción. Esta iniciativa da continuidad...
Mexico’s forests laws mean that 60% of its forests are owned by communities; the country has more than 2,000 community forest enterprises in total. Why Mexico is backing community forestry – and how community groups are ‘Scaling up locally controlled forest enterprises’ – were the topic and title of a workshop...
As in the first phase, the Vietnam Farmer Union (VNFU) will coordinate FFF implementation in Vietnam.  VNFU hosted the launch workshop with over 85 participants from farmer unions in northern provinces, Vietnam Administration of Forestry and other government agencies, local NGOs, private sector, international organizations and donors. Presenting at the workshop,...
7 September 2018, Nairobi - Woodfuel can be a sustainable source of energy and its value chains can contribute to landscape restoration, better livelihoods, and commitments to fight climate change. But to achieve that, a framework of strong supporting policies that promotes sustainable production and well-governed producer organizations is essential.This...
Bharati Pathak, General Secretary, Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal, explains that forest and farm producer organizations (FFPOs), with the support of the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF), are helping to reduce hunger and poverty at the local level. By working with community groups, including forestry user groups, FFPOs are...