World Forestry Congress XII

The XII World Forestry Congress, held from 21 to 28 September 2003 in Québec, Canada, attracted 4 061 participants from more than 140 countries. The participants, representing a cross-section of society concerned with forests, included individuals from rural communities, private forest owners, labour, indigenous peoples, youth, industry, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, the scientific and academic community, various levels of government and international organizations. A wide spectrum of issues was considered in the context of the Congress theme, "Forests, source of life", and under three programme areas: Forests for People; Forests for the Planet; and People and Forests in Harmony. The main output of the congress, the Final Statement, identifies areas of priority concern and is intended to encourage decisions and action by those involved with various aspects of forests and forestry, and in other related sectors.


Main documents

Report of the XII World Forestry Congress

Final statement

last updated:  Tuesday, October 14, 2014