Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal Species (WGSAD)
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The Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal Species (WGSAD) was held at GFCM and FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, on 13–18 November 2017. The main objectives of themeeting were to: i) review the status of the priority fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea, and ii) run benchmark sessions on the assessment of European hake (Merluccius merluccius), shrimp species, red mullet species and blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in the western Mediterranean. In addition, the definition of indicators of good environmental status (GES) at the regional and subregional level was discussed as well as issues related to priority species and the periodicity of assessments, the possibility of an assessment review process, the standardization of tuning indicesand the definition of an extra level of acceptance. The WGSAD reviewed 44 stock assessments, 37 of which were validated while 7 were presented as preliminaryand no scientific advice was therefore provided. In addition to this, one assessment-related work was presented. Out of the 37 stock assessments validated by the WGSAD, 7 were found in a state of sustainable exploitation and 30 were assessed as in overexploitation.