International Year of Soils 2015 and World Soil Day 5 December adopted by 68 UNGA
Today is a memorable day for the global soil science community as the 68th United Nations General Assembly has designated 5th of December as World Soil Day and declared 2015 as the International Year of Soils (resolution) !

It took two years of hard work from all the partners under the leadership of the Kingdom of Thailand and the facilitation of the Global Soil Partnership in order to inform members that soil is a crucial resource that requires urgent attention if to address the various global challenges ahead.
We want to take this opportunity to thank all the partners who have been very active and supportive in this process. We have a huge responsibility in front of us, as this will be a unique opportunity for soil scientists to position soils in the development agenda beyond 2015.
The GSP Secretariat will serve as the Secretariat of the International Year of Soils and thus, will immediately establish an organizing committee composed by willing partners in order to prepare a joint plan of activities for the year. Our goal is to make IYS 2015 as a memorable year demonstrating that the soils community could really contribute to the efforts for food security, hunger eradication, climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and sustainable development.
Finally, the GSP Secretariat would like to wish you a Healthy and Prosperous 2014!