Forest and Water Programme

FAO Forestry @ World Water Week 2021: Bulding Resilience Faster

05/08/2021 30/06/2021

This year, World Water Week will be held as a full-scale virtual event and will take place on the last week of August (23-27 August). FAO Forestry will co-convene three sessions on forests and water, building on the theme of the week ‘Building Resilience Faster’. We invite you to join us in this week of collaboration and learning as we explore how forests are nature-based solutions for water that can help address some of the major water-related challenges our planet is facing right now.

To participate you have to first register for World Water Week here (the free option will give you access to all the events). Once you have registered you can access the events on the links provided below.

For more information on the events please visit the Forest and Water Programme website. If you have any questions about the events or would like support with the World Water Week platform please contact Rocío Peyronnet.

Please make sure you have the latest version of Zoom in your computer to access all the features of the events.


You can join FAO Forestry at World Water Week during the following events:

The forest-water nexus: creating resilience through capacity development

Tuesday 24 August 17:00-18:25 CET

Conveners: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Stockholm International Water Institute, Swedish Forest Agency

This interactive training session aims to improve participants’ ability to characterize and explain forest-water interactions and explain why capacity development is needed across sectors. During the session, participants will have an opportunity to choose from different short trainings provided by each of the participating agencies and organizations.

To join the event click here

Healthy forests, resilient societies: Managing the forest-water nexus

Wednesday 25 August 18:00-19:00 CET

Conveners: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Union for Forest Research Organization, United States Forest Service

The session serves as the global launch for FAO’s publication A Guide to Forest–Water Management, a thematic Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) study. The first publication of its kind provides guidance on monitoring, managing, and valuing forest-water relationships. The event will include an interactive session for participants to discuss the successes and challenges of managing forests for water and ask questions.

To join the event click here

Healthy forests, healthy people: managing the forest/water nexus.

Friday 27 August 10:00-11:00 CET

Conveners: Alliance for Global Water Adaptation, Center for International Forestry Research, CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Forest and Water Champions, Forest Trends, Global Resilience Partnership, International Union for Conservation of Nature, International Union for Forest Research Organization, Stockholm International Water Institute, UN Environment Programme, World Resources Institute

Managing forests for water generates multiple environmental and social-economic benefits and is integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as well as for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Forest Water Champions is a group of professionals that advocate for better understanding of the interlinkages between trees, forests and water. This group of experts will share understanding of these linkages for the benefit of biodiversity, climate change and agroforestry, as well as for a more resilient society generally.

To join the event click here