
This circular provides an assessment of the technical practicability, advantages, constraints and cost of using electronic reporting as part of the biennial survey on the implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. In this context, electronic reporting is defined as conducting a survey (questionnaire) electronically in a format that enables statistical analysis and reports to be generated without re-entering the survey information manually. Two types of electronic reporting are investigated: spreadsheet-based...
These Guidelines have been produced to support implementation of the International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries (IPOA-Seabirds). They are addressed to decision-makers and policy-makers associated with conserving seabirds and with minimizing their interaction with fishing gears, but the Guidelines should also be of interest to fishing industries and other parties. The IPOA-Seabirds is consistent with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, agreements from the 1995 United Nations...
This circular analyses the implementation and the impact of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries since 1995. In doing so, it first establishes a picture of fisheries and aquaculture sectors before the publication of the Code and 13 years after, in order to detect major changes in both sectors. While fundamental changes in the fisheries sector remained few, the aquaculture sector displays a rather important degree of change, where practices in farm management...
Awareness of the limitations of a single-species approach to fisheries management has led to global acceptance of the need to adopt a wider ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) assessment and management. Applying EAF in management requires the application of scientific methods and tools that also go beyond the single-species approaches which used to be, to a large extent, the exclusive sources of scientific advice. Managers and decision-makers must now find management solutions that take into...
Many rivers, lakes and other inland waters have been modified and degraded by human activities. Rehabilitation of degraded systems and mitigation of impacts of ongoing stresses are needed to preserve ecosystem services and fisheries, and are of a high priority if the aquatic biodiversity of inland waters is to be conserved. A number of technical solutions for rehabilitation and mitigation are available to restore habitat diversity, provide for environmental flows and ensure longitudinal and lateral...
