Supporting Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)

The Agri-accelerator Hub of Beja in Tunisia: selection of youth participants for the second cohort underway


170 applications. This figure represents the number of young agri-entrepreneurs who have applied to receive support for their projects of responsible agricultural investment in the second cohort of the Agri-accélérateur Hub of Béja. Following the closing of applications on March 12, the work teams of the support structure that represents the Hub is already formed.

A joint workshop, held at the Beja business center on March 27 and 28, brought together members of the 2023 selection committee in charge of evaluating applications (experts representing the main regional institutions of governmental, professional and financial support) and coaches who will provide support to the 20 selected candidates throughout the year.

The two teams were first introduced collectively to the responsible agricultural investment (RAI) approach recently introduced in Tunisia in order to strengthen their understanding of the issues, benefits and concepts involved. The group work then allowed the two teams to identify the implications of adopting this approach on their evaluation and youth support tasks.

Toward a common understanding of the RAI approach

Through a series of interactive presentations and playful simulations, workshop participants became familiar with the key definitions and concepts of responsible agricultural investment. For the group composed of four coaches from the consulting firm selected to support the 2023 cohort, the first challenge was to integrate these innovative concepts and tools into their existing support practices, such as rethinking the standard Business Model Canvas (BMC) towards a responsible BMC.

The challenge for the second group of experts in charge of evaluating the projects was to apply the selection criteria to concrete cases. Divided into two sub-groups, the participants conducted two simulated interviews under real conditions, of two project ideas in the identified sectors (Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (MAP) and the Black sheep breed of Thibar). At the end of these interviews and the scoring process, the two groups shared and compared their results, thus providing a basis for conducting the interviews.

After the selection committee scheduled for early May, the selected candidates will receive personalized support. An initial three-month support phase will allow them to strengthen their responsible BMCs; to develop their business plans in line with the RAI  Principles; to prepare their pitches; and to establish links with financial institutions. A second phase of more advanced support, including a bonus in the form of equipment and materials, will be reserved for the ten winners whose projects are most in line with the selection criteria.