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Supporting Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)


12 November 2018
Agriculture and rural development are key to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the majority of the world’s poor and food insecure live in rural areas of developing countries. Unfortunately, the agricultural sector currently suffers from serious...
17 October 2018
“My son, study hard, and do something else, don’t be a farmer, used to say my mum. But what if there were some Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Totti in agriculture, showing how successful one can be in this sector?” During a...
26 July 2018
We can end poverty and hunger! We only need to mobilize a higher level of resources, and use them responsibly. They should be channeled towards hunger eradication, combine investment in social protection with investment in production, and should prioritize rural areas, particularly the agricultural...
12 June 2018
While the agricultural sector in Guatemala employs the 31.2% of the total workforce (ILOSTAT), it only contributes 11.3% of the national GDP (World Bank) and represents a very low percentage of the total investments in the country. An urgent enhancement...
03 May 2018
According to FAO estimates, the eradication of hunger and poverty in Côte d'Ivoire by 2030 will require additional annual investments of US $ 3.7 billion, of which almost 40 percent should be allocated to agriculture and rural development. To achieve...