La Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

Webinar in Spanish on 21 September: "Strengthening Capacity to Innovate in the Tropics. Role of policy environment"

The Latin American Network for Rural Extension Services (RELASER), in collaboration with the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),  will hold the webinar in Spanish: "Strengthening Capacity to Innovate in the Tropics. Role of policy environment", on 21 September 2018.

The event is addressed to all actors of agricultural innovation, decision makers and resource persons focusing on improving agri-food systems, reducing rural poverty and enhancing people’s capacity to innovate in Latin-American region.  

TAP, an initiative of the G20 group, focuses on realizing the potential to increase farmers' productivity and incomes, which in turn contributes to reducing poverty and improving food and nutrition security. To this end, TAP has developed a Common Framework on Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) to promote understanding and strengthen the capabilities of the complex systems that underpin agricultural innovation.

This webinar aims to inform the Latin American community about TAP and the Common Framework (its principles and tools), including some experiences on the implementation of the CDAIS project in the region and the introduction of TAPipedia, the information system designed to improve the exchange of knowledge in support of the CD for AIS. In addition, the weminar will focus on the role of the enabling environment to unlock the potential of agricultural innovation in Latin American countries, by sharing some experiences of FAO and the CDAIS project.

Date: Friday, September 21 at 12 noon (Chilean time)

Place: Virtual

Host: FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Moderator: RELASER

Webinar agenda:

Introduction to webinar, speakers and topic (Moderator) 

Background presentation on TAP and the Common Framework for Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) - (TAP Secretariat - 15 minutes)

Brief overview on TAPipedia - (TAP Secretariat - 5 minutes)

Implementation of the Common Framework at the country level: Development of agricultural innovation capacity in Guatemala: lessons learned from the value chains of avocado, cocoa, coffee and honey - (Project Manager in Guatemala - 10 minutes)

The role of the favorable environment for innovation - (PhD María Auxiliadora Briones, FUNICA RELASER - 15 min)

Questions and answers (30 minutes)

       Concluding observations by the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

       Registration: To participate in this seminar register here before September 19, 2018. When registering, TAP/FAO will provide you with more details to access the webinar.

       Registered participants are encouraged to send their questions and comments before or during the presentation to the following email address: [email protected]. You may consider answering or commenting on the following questions:

       What factors favor innovation in your country?

       What major factors hinder innovation observed in your country?

       Register soon! Our webinar is limited to 100 participants.


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