La Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

New FAO publication about the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

FAO just published the booklet "Transforming agricultural research and extension systems. Unlocking the potentential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals".

Developed by the Research and Extension Unit of FAO, the booklet contains a brief introduction to the role of agricultural research and extension systems in unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The booklet provides the background to FAO’s support to its member countries in seven inter-related focus areas, including specific highlights of FAO’s work: transforming agricultural research systems; transforming extension and advisory services; strengthening the agricultural innovation system; developing capacities for agricultural innovation; agricultural biotechnologies; providing a platform for knowledge exchange/sharing; and partnerships in agricultural research and extension and advisory services. 

The publication also highlights the work of the Tropical Agriculture Platform in developing capacities for agricultural innovation.

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