La Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

TAP-AIS project: Validation Workshop on Capacity Needs Assessment in Eritrea

On the 15 February 2022, forty-five participants from Ministry of Agriculture of Eritrea, including the Minister, Mr. Arefaine Berhe, FAO and several representatives of Agricultural Innovation stakeholders took part in the Capacity Needs Assessment Validation Workshop of the Project “Developing capacity in agricultural innovation system in Eritrea: scaling the Tropical Agriculture Platform framework”, as part of the EU-funded TAP-AIS project.

During the workshop, the results of the capacity needs assessment conducted in five organizations: Regulatory Service Department (RSD), Agricultural Extension Department (AED), National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), National Animal and Plant Health Laboratory (NAPHL), and Zoba Maekel Beekeeping Association were presented and validated by the stakeholders.

The main outputs from the Workshop were an enhanced understanding of the organizational capacity at all three levels (enabling, organization and individual levels), and the development of an agreed roadmap for the finalization and the implementation of the report (forthcoming).

Concrete capacity development activities targeting these organizations will be soon implemented under the TAP-AIS project.

Ph. On the cover and below, few pictures of the event. Among the participants, also the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Arefaine Berhe.





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