La Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

TAP-AIS Rwanda: Moving forward with the capacity development phase in support of small livestock

In Rwanda, the TAP-AIS project is implemented by FAO Rwanda in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), with the objective to strengthen capacity to innovate in the national AIS. 

The inception phase, completed in 2020, identified the small livestock sub-sector as the project’s focus and entry point for strengthening innovation capacities. As 2022 gets underway it is important we looked back and recalled the guiding recommendations and pacers to advance Agricultural Innovation Systems in Rwanda that were drawn at the end of 2021. 


An assessment of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) of the small livestock sub-sector in Rwanda was conducted in the first half of 2021. Accelerating innovation and trigger investments in small livestock hinges on better data and information on the sub-sector’s current status and needs, to guide decisions from local to policy level. 


Objectives of the assessment were to identify constraints and bottlenecks of the AIS of the small livestock subsector in Rwanda, to identify the TAP-AIS project’s niche within the AIS of the small livestock subsector, and to prioritize opportunities and entry points for the project’s capacity development phase. This enables the TAP-AIS project to make realistic and strategic decisions on engaging with stakeholders and allocation of limited resources. 


Findings of the assessment 


On functional analysis the assessment found insufficient capacity building for smallholder farmers, insufficient technical support and delivery services, urgent need of research and knowledge sharing, communication and awareness creation, poor coordination, community mobilization and involvement to increase productivity market linkages and commercialization, transportation of small livestock (chicken, pigs and pork) and a considerable need to help smallholder farmers access to finance and resource mobilization. 


Moreover, the structural analysis was conducted to identify key organizations delivering the AIS functions of the small livestock subsector in Rwanda. In total, 36 organizations were identified, comprising government agencies, development partners, the private sector, producer groups, civil society organizations, and local government entities. Based on the Net-maps, there was a good working relationship among all the actors towards promoting the small livestock subsector The capacity analysis considered how the actors could perform their key functions while being mindful of the capacity gaps that impede the performance. The analysis identified outstanding gaps in capacity domains like coordination, collaboration and networking, markets and value chain development, animal health, animal husbandry, transportation, and logistics. 


This validation workshop which presented key findings of the assessment and elaborated recommendations was attended by a wide range of stakeholders including senior government officials, Development Partners, FAO Representative and staff. After strategic all-round discussion to chart the way forward on priorities and entry points for strengthening the AIS of Rwanda’s small livestock subsector, findings were approved. 


“All the PSTA4 priority areas (innovation and extension, productivity and resilience, enabling environment and responsive institutions) and cross-cutting areas (capacity development) are reflected in this project. This emphasizes that there are many expectations from this project” said Jean Claude Musabyimana, the Permanent Secretary of the Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources. 


“In a special way, I wish to thank the EU Delegation to Rwanda for the support provided, particularly in TAP-AIS and other related initiatives. EU has been impactful in capacity development for agricultural innovation systems. A special thank you message is extended to MINAGRI team supporting the national coordination and implementation of the project” FAO Representative in Rwanda Gualbert Gbehounou said. 


Systemic capacity gaps identification and formulation of capacity development plan 


During the workshop, two associations, namely, Rwanda Poultry Industry Farmers Association (RPIA) and Rwanda Piggery Farmers Association (RPFA) were identified as potential beneficiaries of capacity development under TAP-AIS. To complement suggestions from the previous workshop, a field visit was organized to selected organizations, in order to compare notes with partners with regard to capacity needs. 


Without fostering innovation systems in Agriculture mighty hands and minds of youth can be left behind. About 78 percent of Rwandans are below 35 years of age. To spur agriculture in youth and make this big category of Rwandans "agripreneurs" or take the created agri-jobs requires policymakers to show them that there will find innovative and tech systems in farms as well. Most youths don’t get involved in Agriculture because the stereotype is that it is traditional and tedious.


Source: FAO Rwanda Newsletter, March 2022 - Issue #1, available at:  


Photo: ©FAO/Eugene Uwimana

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