La Plate-forme pour l'agriculture tropicale (TAP)

Series of Good Practice Notes developed by APIRAS, APAARI and FAO in the context of the TAP-AIS project

The Asia-Pacific Islands and Rural Advisory Services Network (APIRAS), the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), in close collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations are launching a series of Good Practices Notes in the context of the TAP-AIS project, as part of their committment to strengthen agriculture innovation systems in Asia-Pacific for transforming agri-food systems. 

In 2020, APIRAS and APAARI carried out with FAO a Joint Rapid Appraisal (JRA) to scope the innovation environment to identify and document initiatives aimed at strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS), in the context of the TAP-AIS project, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by FAO. The JRA study revealed three main barriers that constrain development of an effective AIS in the Asia-Pacific. These include: a) lack of sufficient partnerships among actors in the AIS, b) inadequate investments and lack of policies that could steer the research and extension agencies to engage with other AIS actors, and c) lack of sufficient capacity development initiatives aimed at enhancing functional capacities of AIS actors. Publication of this series of eight Good Practice Notes is to document cases that have tried to address development of an effective AIS through addressing the above constraints.

The seven Good Practice notes are: 

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.1. Promoting sustainable agriculture through green extension in Lao People's Democratic Republic (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.2. Strengthening capacities to innovate through North-South collaborative agricultural research in Papua New Guinea (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.3. Multi-stakeholder approaches for enhancing command area water productivity In India (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.4. Enhancing organizational and functional capacities of producer organizations in India through strategic collaboration (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.5. Strengthening last mile service delivery to support smallholder farmers in India (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.6. Promoting community-driven innovations in the forested uplands of the Philippines (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)

APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.7. Promoting Climate Sensitive Innovations in The Mekong Delta through diversified Public-Private Partnership (by APIRAS and APAARI, realized with support of FAO, 2022)


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