International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)
 - FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Table for Western Africa (2019) / Table de composition des aliments FAO/INFOODS pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest (2019) - User guide (PDF) / Datasheets (Excel)
The FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Table for Western Africa (WAFCT 2019) is an update of the West African Food Composition Table of 2012, which lacked some important components, foods and recipes. WAFCT 2019 contains almost three times as many food entries and double the number of components, with increased overall data quality. Many of the data points from WAFCT 2012 have been replaced with better data – mostly analytical data from Africa, with a special emphasis on Western Africa. These improvements are essential to understanding the nutrient composition of foods in the region and to promoting their appropriate use. WAFCT 2019 is the result of four years of collaboration among INFOODS network researchers in Africa and the Nutrition and Food Systems Division of FAO, and was developed as part of the International Dietary Data Expansion (INDDEX) Project, implemented by Tufts University’s Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These new data from WAFCT 2019 will support further research towards an expanded and improved evidence base and will support better, more informed decisions and effective policies and programmes for improved nutrition in Africa.
 - FAO/INFOODS/IZiNCG Global Food Composition Database for Phytate – Version 1.0 (PhyFoodComp1.0) - 2018
User Guide (PDF) / Datasheet (Excel)
The PhyFoodComp database is the first global repository of analytical data on phytate in its different forms and determined by different chemical methods, as well as of iron, zinc, calcium, water, and different phytate:mineral molar ratios. This database is important as phytate, mainly contained in pulses and cereals, is considered an anti-nutrient because it interferes with the absorption of minerals, especially of iron and zinc. The PhyFoodComp database will provide food composition compilers, nutritionists and researchers with access to good quality analytical phytate data and bibliography. Emphasis is put on demonstrating variations in phytate contents and their influencing factors. The aim of PhyFoodComp is to :- demonstrate best ways to reduce phytate contents in foods and recipes;
motivate users to include phytate data into national or regional food composition tables or databases; - design better diets for mineral deficiencies;
- develop well-targeted nutrition projects, programmes and interventions related to mineral deficiencies such as iron and zinc; and
- reconsider re-evaluating the impact of phytate in diets on the bioavailability of iron and zinc when establishing their nutrient requirements.
 - FAO/INFOODS Global Database for Pulses on Dry Matter Basis – version 1.0 (PulsesDM1.0) - 2017
User Guide (PDF) / uPulses database (Excel)
The FAO/INFOODS Global Database for Pulses on Dry Matter Basis (PulsesDM1.0) provides nutrient values for pulses on a DRY MATTER BASIS – it is intended mainly for standard setting purposes. Pulses are a subgroup of legumes that includes dry edible seeds with low fat content. The data were recalculated to dry matter basis from the average nutrient values for 16 species published in the FAO/INFOODS Global Food Composition Database for Pulses (uPulses). In uPulses, data derived mainly from chemical analysis, were complemented by data from other published sources and compiled following standards and guidelines outlined by FAO/INFOODS. PulsesDM cover proximates, minerals, vitamins, phytate, amino acids and fatty acids fractions for foods in raw and processed forms on. The data are presented in Excel format alongside with a comprehensive documentation in PDF format.
- FAO/INFOODS Global food composition database for pulses – version 1.0 (uPulses1.0) - 2017
User Guide (PDF) / uPulses database (Excel)
The FAO/INFOODS Global Food Composition Database for Pulses (uPulses) provides nutrient values for pulses, a subgroup of legumes that includes dry edible seeds with low fat content. The majority of data are analytical data complemented by data from other published sources covering data for foods in raw and processed forms on proximates, minerals, vitamins, phytate, amino acids and fatty acids fractions. The data compilation process followed standards and guidelines outlined by FAO/INFOODS, and the species were selected based on the importance of the pulse and the available data. Emphasize is put on nutrient variations among different species, varieties and origin. The data are presented in Excel format alongside with a comprehensive documentation in PDF format.
- FAO/INFOODS Global food composition database for fish and shellfish – version 1.0 (uFiSh1.0) - 2016
User Guide (PDF) / uFiSh database (Excel)
This global user database (uFiSh) provides nutrient values for fish, crustaceans and molluscs in raw, cooked, and processed form, covering data on proximates, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids. The majority of data are analytical data complemented with data from other published sources. The data compilation process followed standards and guidelines outlined by FAO/INFOODS and includes comprehensive documentation.
 - FAO/INFOODS/TGI Global supplement database - Version 1 (.xls)
This global database is holding the compositional data of food supplements from all over the world. It is an Excel file, which is easy to download free-of-charge. The aim of the database is to enable researchers to take the nutrient contribution of these supplement into account in the nutrient intake estimations, thus bringing them closer to the true nutrient intakes. The availability of these data might stimulate the collection of the intake of food supplements in food consumption surveys. The database is a joint project of FAO, INFOODS and the George Institute for Global Health (TGI) in Australia following the same principle as the labelling database. It is populated by consumers or researchers who take photos with their iPhone or smartphone and send them through an app to the George Institute for Global Health who includes the data into the database. Help us populating the database. Click here to download the instructions for iPhone or Android smartphone.
- FAO/INFOODS Density Database - Version 2 (PDF) (Excel)
- FAO/INFOODS Density Database - Version 1 (PDF) (Excel)
FAO/INFOODS prepared this database to provide a tool for researchers and professionals to convert volume into weight and vice-versa. Data were collected from the literature, various national food composition tables and measurements conducted by the authors
- FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Database for Biodiversity - Version 4.0 (BioFoodComp4.0) - (PDF) (Excel: .xlsx)
The Biodiversity Database is a global repository of analytical data on food biodiversity of acceptable data quality. It is hoped that in the future, more and better data will be available in order to further develop the Biodiversity Database and provide this essential tool for the investigation and promotion of the sustainable use of food biodiversity and for mainstreaming food biodiversity into nutrition projects, programmes and interventions.
- FAO/INFOODS Analytical Food Composition Database Version 2.0 (AnFooD2.0) (PDF) (Excel: .xlsx)
The FAO/INFOODS Analytical Food Composition Database is a global compendium of scrutinized analytical data (without any additional estimations, imputation or calculation of missing values) for commonly consumed foods. It allows food composition database compilers to easily retrieve analytical data of good quality and to incorporate them into their databases (by citing the source). It can also be helpful to assess other analytical data if they are within a reasonable range.
FAO and INFOODS would highly appreciate if more researchers would share their analytical data (density or composition) with us so that they could be incorporated into the different FAO/INFOODS databases. We believe that shared data are useful for the global food composition community. If they would only be stored on a shelf, they are not really useful, and other will not know about them and will have to do the same analysis again, which again will cost a lot of funds and funds are scarce. |
| Last update: 20-10-2022 05:26 |