Journée internationale de la montagne

Wall of Appalachian Stories: Art and Images for International Mountain Day

11/12/2022 11/12/2022
Morgantown, West VirginiaUnited States of America

Mountains are vital in the health of our planet and enacting sustainable futures for all. In celebration of International Mountain Day 2022: "Women Move Mountains", we invite Appalachians to share storiescreate artlisten, and communicate our hopes for life in our mountains. 

Through challenges and struggles, heartache and dispossession, this story has always been one of resilience, of perseverance, of hope, and of community. This project is a platform to collectively tell the story of the Appalachian mountains and their importance to the soul of our people. 

We all have a voice in shaping our narrative.  All are welcome to participate in this project. The online submission portal is open to submit an imageartpoemsong, or story, about what the Appalachian Mountains mean to you.