Land & Water

Land, Soils and Water as starting point to accelerate actions at COP26. Join us today for a series of events. Check them out here!

The urgency to accelerate action from agriculture starts with Land, Soils, and Water where they play a significant role in the global carbon cycle.

Water availability is a major climatic driver of net ecosystem benefits via reduction of drought, and soils are our allies in the fight against hunger and climate change and, if managed wisely, could sequester one third of agricultural Green House Gas emissions. Wetlands, in particular peatlands, are the planet’s most effective carbon sinks and represent unrealised potential for climate mitigation. Peatlands can store twice as much carbon as the entire world’s forest biomass.

FAO is working against time to implement more effective, efficient and innovative agri-food systems, based on collaboration and partnerships. As co-organizer at COP26 Water and Climate Pavilion, FAO Land and Water Division will illustrate the numerous ways in which land and water are enabling transformative agricultural system-based climate action at all levels.

Join us virtually at COP26’s Water Pavilion on 9 NOVEMBER 2021 and watch the following events HERE:

  • High-level session - Water Resilient Food Systems: an essential pathway in the face of climate change, 9 November 2021, Water Pavilion, 13:00 - 14:30 GMT / 14:00 – 15:30 CET

Co-organizers: GRP, AGWA, IUCN, FAO, CGIAR/IWMI, Global Farmer Network

  • Integrated land and water solution for climate change mitigation, 9 November 2021, Water Pavilion, 11:30 - 12:30 GMT / 12:30 – 13:30 CET

Co-organizers: FAO, CGIAR, WLE

  • Climate action for shared prosperity through aquatic food systems: Eyes on SIDS and beyond, 9 November 2021, Water Pavilion, 14:45 - 15:45 GMT / 15:45 - 16:45 CET

Co-organizers: FAO, World Fish, IWMI

  • Salinity and climate smart agriculture: Understand, connect and act now!, 9 November 2021, Water Pavilion, 17:00 - 17:45 GMT / 18:00 - 18:45 CET

Co-organizers: The Government of the Netherlands, FAO, WASAG, GSP- INSAS, Wageningen University Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

For more information about FAO's participation at COP26, visit the dedicated webpage >>>