Land & Water

Discover the new products on how to support Land Degradation Neutrality through governance of tenure >>>

To mark the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, FAO, the Land Portal and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought (UNCCD) have come together to launch a new portfolio and podcast delving into the important relationship between land tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).

One third of the world’s agricultural lands are already degraded and if unsustainable land management is not bent down, lands will keep degrading. Avoiding, curbing, and reversing land degradation is key for sustaining livelihoods, food security, biodiversity conservation, as well as the achievement of climate targets.

Responsible governance of tenure is closely intertwined with achieving and enabling LDN. Findings show how secure tenure rights encourage landholders and users to invest in and commit to sustainable activities, such as soil conservation, drainage, terracing, or agroforestry, for example. Put simply, if land holders feel secure in their land holdings, they are more likely to take care of their land, not letting it degrade and taking up one step closer to achieving LDN. 

We invite you to consult the portfolio and podcast to provide you with everything you need to know about the relationship between land tenure and LDN. 

Check out the the portfolio here >>>>

Check out the podcast here >>>>

Also check out the Technical Guide on the Responsible Governance of Tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality developed by FAO in collaboration with UNCCD.