Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

N.50: June 2017

Published: 01/06/2017

Weather conditions were globally suitable for locust development throughout the region. As a result, DMA breeding was in progress in all Central Asian (CA) countries and probably also in Azerbaijan and Georgia. At the beginning of the forecast period, natural disappearance of this locust pest will progressively start from southern to northern countries. Italian Locust (CIT) hopper development was still in progress in Armenia and Russia while fledging started in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and already occurred in Tajikistan, where mating began. Fledging and breeding will generalize in all concerned countries during the forecast period and be followed by completion of the life cycle. Migratory Locust (LMI) hopper development was in progress in Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan and fledging started in Kazakhstan; fledging and breeding will generalize during the forecast period. In June, around 1.8 million ha were treated in CCA countries and 3.3 million ha which represents an increase by 19% as compared to 2016.