Launch of The State of Food and Agriculture 2017 – Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation

Since the 1990s, rural transformations have helped millions of people exit poverty while remaining in rural areas. This underscores an important fact: revitalising rural economies helps create jobs for rural people, giving an alternative to those who often turn to migration in search of a better life.
However, these rural transformations have not happened everywhere.
For the countries that lag behind The State of Food and Agriculture 2017 argues that it is not too late. By tapping into the potential of small cities through integrated rural-urban planning, inclusive transformations are still possible and they will be crucial to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating poverty and hunger.
The report will be released on Monday, October 9, the opening day of the Committee on World Food Security, the world’s highest international body dealing with food and agriculture policy matters.
The event can be followed on this link.