Global consultation on the implementation of the UN Decade of Family farming (UNDFF) in 2019-2020

In December 2017, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF) to serve as a framework for developing public policies and investments to support family farming worldwide.
As defined in UN Resolution (§ 5), the Secretariat of the UNDFF will provide biennial reports to the UN Secretary General, in order to inform the UN General Assembly of the overall progress made on the implementation of UNDFF and on the related SDGs. The first report of the UNDFF implementation will inform on actions carried out in 2019-20 and will be submitted to the UNGA by the UN Secretary General in October 2021.
To develop the report on the UNDFF implementation, the FAO-IFAD Joint Secretariat of the UNDFF launched a global consultation to collect relevant information on the activities carried out in the framework of the UNDFF at different levels (global, regional ,national and subnational) and by different actors (governments, family farmers organizations, national committees of family farming, CSOs, academia, private sector, among others) using the attached reporting template.
Member Countries are invited to participate in this consultation, by downloading the reporting template (AR/EN/ES/FR/RU/ZH) and filling it up with all the relevant activities and processes.
Filled up templates must be sent to [email protected] by 30 April 2021.
The responses will be used develop the Report of the Secretary-General and other UNDFF products.