

Significant regional shifts are projected in the coming decade

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© FAO/Khalid Ali
Sudan is facing an unprecedented hunger catastrophe, say UN agency chiefs

New data reveals that over 750,000 people are experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity with 25.6 million people in crisis levels of hunger

FAO chief urges innovation and focus on production and smallholders to tap benefits of agrifood trade

Director-General QU Dongyu participates in Global Review of Aid for Trade hosted by WTO in Geneva.

© FAO /  Yousef Alrozzi
FAO sounds alarm over high risk of famine across the whole Gaza Strip amidst humanitarian access constraints

New analysis reveals that almost the entire population is facing high levels of acute food insecurity with 1 in 5 Gazans being on the verge of famine 


New global study unveils city-region networks, highlights role of intermediate cities

FAO-led research offers new data on how tightly rural areas are bound with urban webs.

Feature Stories
FAO Interviews
New aquaculture record offers way for ending hunger without harming marine environment: FAO Fisheries Chief

Interview with Manuel Barange, Director of FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Division on the 2024 State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report