Sustainability Pathways

Mandatory Commercial Recycling Law and the Organics Recycling Package

Type of practice Recycle
Name of practice Mandatory Commercial Recycling Law and the Organics Recycling Package
Name of main actor California Asssembly
Type of actor(s) Public authority
Location United States of America
Stage of implementation End-of-life
Year of implementation 2012
What was/is being done? The California recycling bills (Assembly Bill 341 and 323) require big private and public businesses and multi-family residential places to arrange for recycling services when they generate more than four cubic yards of commercial solid waste per week. This law came into force in July 2012 and aims to reduce GHG emissions by diverting commercial organic waste from landfills and meet the target of 75 percent solid waste diversion by 2020. Furthermore, in February 2013, the government introduced a package of policies supporting the development of composting and anaerobic digestion facilities, identifying in them “a cost-effective technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
Outcomes and impacts N/A