
La terre est une ressource essentielle pour les femmes et les hommes ruraux. Cependant, dans le monde entier, les femmes restent considérablement désavantagées en ce qui concerne leur droit foncier. Même lorsque celles-ci sont reconnues comme les principales utilisatrices de la terre qu´elles travaillent, elles sont souvent privées de droit...
  Thursday, 23 July 2020 | 1pm - 3:30pm CET   Our food systems are not delivering to their potential, and must be transformed to provide affordable, nutritious and safe diets for the good of human and planetary health. The private sector is a key ally in the fight for this transformation given...
We are pleased to invite you to a virtual dialogue on Advancing gender equality in the context of family farming, the second virtual dialogue in the series Parliamentary action for gender equality and resilient food systems in response to COVID19.     The virtual dialogue will examine parliamentarians’ role in implementing gender transformative policies,...
Academia Perspectives Roundtable
01/07/2020 - 01/07/2020
Preventing a health crisis from becoming a food crisis, learning from the COVID-19 pandemic experience:  What role can partnerships between FAO and academic institutions play? ---------------- 1 July 2020, 14:00-15:30 CEST   This roundtable will offer a forum for partners from academic and research institutions, member representatives, and FAO staff to engage in an open dialogue...
Join parliamentarians from Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean in a virtual dialogue to discuss the gender implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security and nutrition.   This webinar is the first in a series which aims to enhance the role of parliamentarians in mitigating the gender-differentiated impacts of COVID-19...
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