Pastoralist Knowledge Hub

Why a Hub

The last decades have seen increasing efforts to better understand pastoralist livelihoods and apply a more holistic perspective in pastoralism-related interventions. Increased dialogue with and among pastoralist communities has been established. However, these efforts need strengthening to make a real impact on pastoralists’ livelihoods and allow pastoralists to better voice their concerns.

The objective of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub is to fill the gaps identified over the past years, especially the lack of global policy discussions on pastoralism and the need to bring attention to the challenges faced by pastoral communities. By systematizing available information, literature and knowledge as well as technical tools, assessments and research results, the Hub also aims to better inform evidence-based decision making at all levels.

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub will therefore serve both as a repository of technical excellence on pastoralism and pastoral people’s livelihoods, and as a neutral forum for exchange and alliance building among pastoralists and stakeholders working on pastoralist issues.

This combination will ensure that pastoral issues are incorporated into key policy discussions in the forthcoming years. The success of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub will depend largely on its ability to maintain alliances active and engaged in an effective policy dialogue.