Pesticide Registration Toolkit


Objective of the study Metabolism of the pesticide includes the processes of transport or translocation within the organism as well as transformation to metabolites or degradation products. Metabolism studies are conducted to...
Objective of the study Supervised field trials (crop field trials) are conducted to determine pesticide residue levels in or on raw agricultural commodities, including feed items, and should be designed to...
Objective of the study Residues in Livestock studies are conducted in order to quantify levels of residues in meat, milk, eggs and edible meat by-products, such as fat, liver, kidney of...
Objective of the study Processing studies have the following objectives: To obtain information about breakdown or reaction products which require a separate risk assessment. To determine the quantitative distribution of residues in the...
Objective of the study Metabolism and residue studies conducted in rotational crops (also referred to as rotational crops) are typically required for uses of pesticides where a food or feed crop...
OECD data point number  IIA 1.1 (chemical pesticides – active ingredient) IIIA 1.1 (chemical pesticides – formulated product) IIP 1.1 (pheromones and other semiochemicals – active ingredient) IIIP 1.1 (pheromones and other semiochemicals –...
Objective of the study To be able to evaluate microorganisms, their correct identification and taxonomic status is vital. The aim of this study is that the Microbial Pest Control Active (MPCA)...
Objective of the study 1. Residue definition Residue definitions are required to clearly establish the compound or compounds of interest to: estimate dietary intake risks associated with the presence of residues in food...
Objective of the study The study should provide information to assess the potential of the pesticide to provoke skin sensitization reactions. Circumstances under which the study is recommended to be required The dermal...
Objective of the study Maximum residue levels (MRLs) established internationally, or in other countries or regions, for the same or similar commodities, may provide guidance to the registrar when setting national...