Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Notes for the organizers of side events

Please ensure that all your panellists are registered and inserted in your list of participants to the Eighth Session of the Governing Body, even if they will participate only in the side event. For registration as Side event panellist, please see the ITPGRFA website, or contact the Secretariat at [email protected].
You are also responsible for preparing the nameplates of the panellists

Requests for catering services must be sent directly to [email protected] and cc [email protected]. You will receive several reservation forms, which are self-explanatory and you can select the package that you prefer. You are kindly requested to return a filled form to Ms. Tilli ([email protected]) and cc [email protected] for final approval.
Payment can be done only in Euro by the following methods: cash, bancomat, credit card and bank transfer. Please note that VAT is applied at 10%, unless a VAT exemption letter is presented.
The caterers, Elior and Eden, have made significant effort to minimize, as much as possible, the use of plastic. Hence, all cutlery and crockery will be fully biodegradable.

Rooms for side events are equipped with interpretation booths. If interpretation is needed, please contact the Secretariat at [email protected] for further information.

Any communication sent to the Secretariat related to side events should clearly indicate “GB8 Side Event” in a title of message

Note: The schedule of side events may change to accomodate the needs of the Session. For the updated information, please check the monitors at the meeting site or visit the Treaty Website: For more information, please contact the Secretariat at: [email protected]

Last update: 22 Oct. 2019 

7Printable version

SPECIAL EVENT on SATURDAY, 9 November 2019
11.00 - 13.00 Special Event on 15th Anniversary, Red Room


Meeting Room

Monday, 11 Nov

Tuesday, 12 Nov

Wednesday, 13 Nov

Thursday, 14 Nov

Friday, 15 Nov

Lunch time (13:15-14:30)

Iran Room

Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Nordic Genetic Resource Center

Best Practices and Lessons Learned in the Realization of Farmers' Rights
The Development Fund, ASOCUCH, LI-BIRD and CEPA

Book Launch: Voluntary Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Famers' Varieties/Landraces
FAO Seeds and Plant Genetic Resources Team

Plate Tech-tonics: Mapping Corporate Power in Big Food
Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group)

Ethiopia Room

Role of Genebank for Better Conservation, Use and International Cooperation on Plant Genetic Resources
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia and the Pacific Community

Promoting Mutually Supportive Implementation of the FAO International Treaty and the UPOV Convention
Euroseeds, Oxfam, Plantum

Registration System for Farmer Varieties in Support of Treaty Implementation
Bioversity International, Oxfam, Seed Services Institute, NAFRI, LiBIRD, PRO-INPA

The Importance of Sustainable Use of PGRFA in Europe
Rete Semi Rurali

Philippines Room

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework
CGIAR Genebank Platform (Bioversity International)

Implementing Farmers' Rights: Farmers and Innovation
Governments of Canada and the United States

Tools and Metrics for Global Priority Setting: Diversity Trees
Global Crop Diversity Trust and CGIAR Genebank Platform

Commoning Seeds: How a global seed commons can enhance the Multilateral System of the Seed Treaty
University of Antwerp

Ten years of funding agrobiodiversity through the Benefit-sharing Fund: where we are and what is next
International Treaty Secretariat
(Sheikh Zayed)

Biodiversity and aquatic genetic resources for food and agriculture - Recent global assessments and their relevance to plant genetic resources
FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
(Sheikh Zayed)

CRISPR Technology and its Potential to Transform Agricultural Production
U.S. Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome
(Sheikh Zayed)

Evening (18:15-19:30)

Iran Room

Discovering and Using Biodiversity with the Global Information System and Digital Object Identifiers
International Treaty Secretariat

Using crop diversity to adapt to climate changes: tools, methods and supportive policies
CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

Strengthening Sustainable Management and Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Experiences from the South
Community Technology Development Trust

Ethiopia Room

Patents, Digital Sequence Information and the Treaty: A reflection on current trends and future impacts
Oxfam and South Centre

Cyclone Idai: Regional PGRFA Response Strategy and Reconstruction of Local Seed Systems in Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique
Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute

Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in Southern African Countries
SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre

Philippines Room

Securing Local Seed System: The Journey of Farmers' Seed Clubs in Vietnam
Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment, Mekong Delta Development Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Norway, Swedbio

What Do Farmers Expect from the Implementation of Farmers' Rights?
International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty, FIAN International, African Centre for Biodiversity

Book Launch: Current Perspectives on Farmer-Breeder Collaboration
Norwegian University of Life Sciences

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