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Decent Rural Employment


FAO, IFAD, ILO launch event on "Gender dimensions of agricultural rural employment", Rome (Italy)

Friday 21st January, FAO, IFAD and ILO will launch a report on the Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty. The event will discuss how gender equality in rural employment can contribute to poverty reduction and food security, boosting local economies and rural development.Policies, case studies and...

Guidance on how to address rural employment and decent work concerns in FAO country activities

The Guidance on how to address rural employment and decent work concerns in FAO country activities has been just produced by FAO with technical assistance from the ILO. The document is the outcome of a longstanding and fruitful collaboration between the two organizations for the promotion of decent and productive employment in rural...

ECLAC/FAO/ILO Collaboration on Labour Market and Rural Poverty in Latin America

FAO, the ILO and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) have joined forces to support the creation of more and better jobs, noting that decent work in the agricultural sector was key to combat the persisting rural poverty in the region. Despite economic growth, an increase in...

Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) Facilitator’s Guide modules

FAO is pleased to announce the publication of two JFFLS Facilitator’s Guide modules, which are a concrete example of the multidisciplinary approach at the basis of the JFFLS programme.The manual on Child labour prevention in agriculture, which is a valuable outcome of the collaboration between FAO and ILO, provides exercises and...