FAO in Sudan

Sudan Country Programming Framework (CPF) (2012-2016) is co-owned by FAO and the Government of Sudan. It presents the broad commitment of FAO, subject to the availability of the required funding, to assist the Federal and State Governments in their efforts to achieving their own national and state development objectives. The Sudan Plan of Action (PoA) (2015-2019) prioritizes and promotes interrelated and mutually supporting and sustainable interventions at all levels in support of the relief, recovery and development of the small-scale agriculture sector and to address and overcome the underlying causes of vulnerability in Sudan.

Upcoming Events

  • 17 – 18 May 2022, Inception Workshop on Gums for Adaptation and Mitigation in Sudan (GAMS). Enhancing adaptive capacity of local communities and restoring carbon sink potential of the Gum Arabic belt, expanding Africa’s Great Green Wall

In Depth

FAO Emergency


Locust watch

Desert Locust

Food security

Food Security Cluster